Medical Journal – Study: Mechanism Identified in Cells That Generates Healthy Muscle


"We observed that there are cells [não musculares] myofibroblastic cells [não musculares][19] and [22]which approach the muscle cell and deposit a protein, fibronectin, which triggers a signal inside the muscle cell that stimulates the movement of the nucleus from the center of the cell to the periphery, "says a researcher from the Instituto de Medicina Molecular.

In this study, published in the scientific journal the position of the nucleus in the periphery of muscle cells is not correct. ] Developmental Cell the group of researchers examined skeletal muscle striated, "which exists in greater abundance"

In the laboratory, researchers differentiated muscle cells obtained from mice and were assisted by microscopy to monitor "the dynamics of the process."

the Portuguese researcher, who coordinates the cell architecture laboratory of IMM, proteins such as fibronectin "could now be potential targets" for new therapies against dystrophies muscle, hereditary muscular diseases.

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