Medical News – Study defends integrated care for asthmatics in health centers


A study developed by the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP) highlights the need for integrated care for asthmatics in health centers to control acute attacks.

According to the findings of the project, carried out by ISPUP Epidemiological Research Unit, with emphasis on integrated and asthma-focused care, it is possible to minimize the negative impact of this chronic pathology.

"Asthma affects 6.8% of the resident population in Portugal, according to the National Asthma Prevalence Survey 2010," said one of the researchers from The study Liliana Abreu, adding that "only 57% of asthmatics have their disease controlled, which means that about 300,000 Portuguese need a better disease."

Coordinated Research by researcher Susana Silva, published in the Rev ista Journal of Integrative Care to explore how patients with asthma "use their support networks, including family, friends, professionals of health and the media to manage this chronic disease ""

"We wanted to understand the role of these different health mediators in the management of a chronic disease such as asthma and the type of The assistance they bring, emotionally and functionally, "he said.

The study focused on asthmatics patients from a health center in Porto, and those who had this disease since childhood showed "more difficulties in controlling seizures." Acute asthma "

. people with asthma since childhood, it would be important to have annual reassessments of their health status ", in order to perceive" the frequency of acute attacks, the existing symptoms, the network "

The study team recommends that primary health care have specific guidelines for people living with chronic illness for many years.

It is important to focus on educational interventions among people who have more trouble managing the most acute asthma attacks and make personalized interventions that help minimize the negative impact of the disease on their lives. "[19659003] According to the ISPUP, despite advances in therapy and centered care in asthmatic patients, "it is possible to develop a group of asthmatic patients, This chronic disease is still often poorly taken in charge, asthmatics who have difficulty accessing health care, adhering to treatments and managing their own illness. "

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