Medical report becomes mandatory in gender change – Society


The final text of the law that allows young people aged 16 to 18 to change their name in the civil registry incorporates the requirement to submit a "report" requested by them "to any registered physician in the civil register ". Doctors or any psychologist enrolled in the College of Psychologists. "

This will not be a medical report on the diagnosis of sexuality, but rather a document, a kind of attestation, which attests to" exclusively its capacity for decision and enlightened will. "This was the form found by the Socialist Party (PS), Bloque de Esquerda (BE) and PAN to respond to the veto of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to the law of gender identity.

The diploma of self-determination and gender identity should be reconsidered this Thursday afternoon at the plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic [19659002] The President of the Republic presented the diploma to Parliament on May 9

PSD insists on compulsory clinical evaluation
Social Democrats maintain their position on the need for a clinical report required to change genr e.

Blocking Wanted Witnesses
The Left Bloc proposes that the veto be solved by witnesses. He argues that it is a civil act, which should not be medically attested. The proposal was not accepted

The diploma returns to Belém
The amended law must be promulgated by the President of the Republic. Marcelo can once again exercise his right of veto.

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