Melody's father represses criticism and defends the eyes of his daughter


After Melody appeared in social networks with a more adult look and received negative comments, the father and businessman of the girl, Belinho, decided to talk about the subject. "She has two personal stylists who try to dress her up" more girl. "The clothes she uses are part of her personality and are typical of a 12-year-old girl.But as she is in the media, people eventually get up, "he told the newspaper .


He also said that he was watching the clothes that she was wearing and forbidding her to wear shorts. "She gets angry because her boyfriends are wearing shorts and she can not, I will not let her use it, I explain to her that if she shows a picture with the short film, she will have a lot of people who talk a lot of bullshit. "

Net surfers, however, do not think that clothes correspond to the age of the girl. In almost all photos appear comments on adult looks. "Remember, you are only 11 years old to dress like that, I speak for your own good," commented one of the faithful. "For me 11 years old, it's still a small child yes! She's not even a preteen," said another person.

Melody's father also says that she does not will let out his daughter only after the age of 15. "There are many children of 11 and 12 years old who want to go out with their parents … My daughters do not dream Not even the other day, Melody posted a picture with a boy and they said that she was dating, which is a lie, "he told Extra.

The singer lives a new professional stage.

Melody's most recent video, called "Vai Rebola", was released on June 5 this year, and was released on June 5 of this year. and already exceeds 14 million views on Youtube. Check it out:

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