Merkel defends refugee agreement in Bundestag speech | News on politics, the economy and society in Germany | DW


After the issue of immigration threatened to break the German government coalition – which was avoided after intense negotiations between the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its traditional allies of the 39; Christian Social Union (CSU) -, Chancellor Angela Merkel the government's position on the issue in the Bundestag (German parliament) on Wednesday (04/07).

Merkel addressed a debate on the federal budget. Budget discussions are often an opportunity for the government to justify its policies, with direct opposition to them. This time, immigration has taken on importance.

On Monday, Merkel and his Minister of the Interior and head of the CSU, Horst Seehofer, concluded an agreement Monday that refugees already registered in other European countries are not welcomed by the EU. # 39; Germany.

Two days after the CDU-CSU pact and in the middle of new tensions provoked by the resistance to the government's plan of immigration by the Social Democratic Party (SPD) – a third member of the ruling coalition – Merkel went out to defend the policies adopted by his government, declaring that the future of his country is linked to that of Europe.

that the way the European Union (EU) deals with immigration will be crucial for the survival of the bloc.

"There must be more organization in all forms of migration so that people have the feeling that law and order are being applied," he said.

At a European summit in Brussels last week, leaders of bloc countries engaged in extensive discussions on migration and, despite the different interests at stake, agreed that no member state would should be alone in the face of the problem. "It's a task for everyone," Merkel told the Bundestag

. The Chancellor has not hesitated to ask a central question about the recent confrontation with Seehofer, which nearly caused the dissolution of the ruling coalition. In a nod to her partners in the conservative Bavarian acronym, she said that the movement of migrants between European countries should be controlled.

"It is not possible for refugees themselves to decide where their asylum applications will be processed." an agreement with Greece, which will allow Germany to return migrants to the Mediterranean.

Resistance of the Social Democrats

The implementation of the decision agreed between the CDU and the CSU still depends on the third member of the coalition, the SPD, which has already expressed its reservations about the Seehofer and Merkel plan, particularly with regard to the creation of transit centers for migrants at the border

By 2015, at the height of the refugee crisis, the SPD had already clearly rejected the creation of so-called transit zones for refugees on the borders of Germany – and had been able to impose his point of view by arguing that mass detention centers were being created

. The same idea is now considered provocative by the social democrats. They argue that the CDU and CSU would divert attention from their own internal conflicts by provoking a disagreement with the SPD, which, to stay in the government, should accept something that it actually rejects. And if the government collapses, it will be blamed on the SPD, which, to further aggravate their situation, does not even reach 20% of the votes in the current polls.

Trump Alert

In the Bundestag, Ms. Merkel also discussed the trade tensions between Europe and the United States. She warned US President Donald Trump that her threat of raising tariffs on European auto imports into the United States could actually result in a trade war.

The Federal Chancellor pointed out that the two sides are already "trade dispute", which stems from Trump's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum European, causing a similar reaction from Brussels.

Americans claim that the EU and especially Germany have significant trade surpluses with the USA.

"If we include services like digital services, we will have a completely different trade balance vis-à-vis the United States, showing an American surplus," says Merkel, because it is based solely on goods, off services. in relation to the EU, "he noted, adding that" it is almost old-fashioned to calculate only goods and not to include services. "

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They challenged Merkel – or at least they tried

Helmut Kohl, former mentor

What do these eyes say? Gratitude? Affection? Or a feeling of "I will never forgive you! "In the middle of box 2 of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in 1999, the then Secretary General, Ms. Merkel, urged the party to" join the struggle even without its former Warlord. "This sealed the political end of the honorary then president of the CDU and Merkel's political mentor, Helmut Kohl, here at the 2012 meeting.

  •   Lothar de Maizière in DDR-Volkskammerwahl ( 19.04.1990) (cc-by-sa / Bundesarchiv)

    They defied Merkel – or at least tried [1965] 9021] His boss to the East: Lothar de Maizière

    To say that Angela Merkel has passed the last prime minister of the former East Germany would be an exaggeration. But Lothar de Maizière had to witness the collapse of her former country as her young deputy spokeswoman, Angela Merkel, followed the talks for the reunification treaty, betting on the good letter.

  • <img itemprop = "image" src = "" title = "Angela Merkel and Roland Koch im CDU-Bundesvorstand (22.02.2010) (picture-alliance / dpa) "alt =" Angela Merkel and Roland Koch im CDU-Bundesvorstand

    Some nostalgic dreamers of the CDU / CSU coalition combine reverie with a serious lord

    (picture-alliance / dpa) [picture-alliance / dpa] “/>

    ] They defy Merkel – or at least try

    Roland Koch, of Hesse: the former governor Roland Koch was considered a conservative figure of the CDU.He would have belonged to the circle called "Andean Pact" (combined on a flight to Chile), which became a clique within the CDU / CSU Union

    Friedrich Merz, future interrupted

    Yes, M. Merz.

    Friedrich Merz (photo-alliance / dpa / B. Von Jutrczenka) “/>

    They defied Merkel – or at least tried – he had a brilliant career ahead of him: as finance minister, well Sure, maybe even as Federal Chancellor. A keen man, tight suits and good relations in the CDU / CSU Union. Merkel, however, withdrew the Westphalian politician in 2001 from the leadership of the conservative alliance parliamentary coalition.

  • <img itemprop = "image" src = "" title = "Angela Merkel, Norbert Röttgen and Joachim Gauck (22.05.2012) (dapd)" alt = "They defied Merkel – Norbert Röttgen and Joachim Gauck (22.05.2012) or at least tried

    Norbert Röttgen: rejected

    In the picture, the former German president Joachim Gauck (right) walks Beside Angela Merkel at the Berlin Presidential Residence, at the Bellevue Palace .Back behind them, one can see the Minister of the Environment resigned, Norbert Röttgen.After losing the election of governor of North Rhine-Westphalia as a candidate of the CDU and also blamed his boss, Röttgen fell out of favor and was fired.

  • <img itemprop = "image" src = "http: //www.dw .com / image / 18730071_303.jpg "title =" Angela Merkel and Gerhard Schröder (10.11.2005) (picture-alliance / AP Photo / J. Finck) "alt =" Angela Merkel and Gerhard Schröd er (10.11.2005) (photo

    When Schröder lost the elections in Merkel in 2005, he initially expected his social party -Democrata (SPD) to refuse negotiations on a major coalition government . "It's nice that you still call me chancellor," Schroder continued during the election night, while his opponent was already counting on the arithmetic of power. Two months later, Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble at the CDU Parteitag in Essen (1965-90) They defied Merkel – or at least they tried to do it – (19659045) (picture alliance / AP Photo /

    Arrangement Wolfgang Schäuble

    Wolfgang Schäuble could have been dangerous for Merkel, but Kohl did not transfer power to his "crown prince." An attack that left him paralyzed and his involvement in the scandal of donations of the CDU in 2000 marked the end of his career as party leader and party leader

  •  Edmund Stoiber and Angela Merkel at the CDU-Wahlkampf in North Rhine-Westphalia (09.04 .2005) (photo-alliance / U Baumgarten)

    They defied Merkel – or at least tried

    Edmund Stoiber, an account opened

    Today, Edmund Stoiber, former governor of Bavaria for the Christian Social Union (CSU), can be seen in the talk shows, politics of the Merkel's fugitives The current Federal Chancellor has abandoned his candidacy for the 2002 parliamentary elections in favor of Stoiber, who seems not yet to have recovered from Schröder's defeat. He never wanted to be minister under Merkel

  •  Kabinettssitzung in Berlin with Merkel and Seehofer (27.06.2018) (Reuters / H. Hanschke)

    They defied Merkel – or at least tried [19659021] Horst Seehofer the rebel [19659024] In the struggle for power in Bavaria, Horst Seehofer opened the way for Markus Söder and accepted the post of Minister of the Interior in Berlin, alongside his boss, Angela Merkel , that he publicly humiliated at a CSU congress in 2015. of enemies when you have such a minister? What does Seehofer want? “/>

    They defied Merkel – or at least they tried

    (19659022) They had to fight against Merkel – or at least they tried

    Angela Merkel, Horst Seehofer and Martin Schulz bei der Vorstellung des Koalitionsvertrags in Berlin (Getty Images / Once upon a time Martin Schulz

    Martin Schulz, former President of the European Parliament (right), lost the 2017 parliamentary elections as a candidate of the SPD. a government with Merkel, then refused to form a government without Merkel and, in the end, let his hands tremble.As a deputy in Berlin, he only has to see the Chancellor govern – Seehofer (c.) Leave it.

  • <img itemprop = "image" src = "" title = "Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel und Donald Tusk auf dem G20-Gipfel in Hamburg (07.07.2017) (picture-alliance / AP Photo / J. Macdougal) "alt =" Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel and Donald Tusk at G20 – Gipfel in Hamburg (07.07.2017) (photo

    In the photo, Merkel meets with the President of the European Council, the Polish Donald Tusk (dir. .). He has long been an important ally of the Germans, who also helped him in his last ascent to Brussels. Recently, Tusk seems to have sought distance, frustrating even Merkel's attempts to reach a European settlement for a migration crisis, according to correspondents

  • <img itemprop = "image" src = "http: //www.dw. com / image / 43285275_303.jpg "title =" Bundeskanzlerin Merkel and Jens Spahn auf dem CDU-Parteitag in Essen (07.12.2016) (picture-alliance / dpa / Mr Kappeler) "alt =" Bundeskanzlerin Merkel and Jens Spahn auf dem CDU-Parteitag in Essen (07.12.2016) (Jens Spahn came to stay

    Jens Georg Spahn is: CDU Politician, Federal Deputy, German Health Minister, Conservative

    – and, as writes the DPA news agency in 2016, an "opponent of the Chancellor." To the surprise of some analysts, Merkel has decided to bring Spahn to his office.If Merkel's intention was to " control ", it worked better than with the Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer.

  •  Alexander Gauland e t Angela Merkel im Bundestag (21.03.2018) (Reuters / F. Bensch)

    They defied Merkel – or at least tried

    Alexander Gauland, former "coreligionist"

    The head of the parliamentary bench of the legend Right-wing populist of the AfD, Alexander Gauland, was an influential member of the CDU until 2013. There is little common Gauland and Merkel: this is not the type of environment which arouses the interest of the Chancellor. But when he speaks in the Bundestag, she listens sometimes. And she certainly hears voices that warn that the chaos in the CDU / CSU Union has been most beneficial for EDD

    Author: Marko Langer (ca)

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