Mexico's President asks the United States to separate families at the border – World


Pena Nieto said in a statement that he called for "a permanent alternative that gives priority to the well-being and rights of minors".

Pompeo, head of the American diplomacy, went to Mexico with ministerial officials to meet Pena Nieto and the new president Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador.

The discussions were to address ways of tackling the problem of transnational criminal organizations, the opiates epidemic in the United States and trade tensions, but the illegal migration to the northern border of the United States. Mexico to the United States has become the dominant issue meetings.

"The United States is committed to making measurable progress in ensuring security on both sides of the border," Pompeo told reporters.

The ties between the United States and Mexico have deteriorated considerably under the presidency of Donald Trump, who defended the construction of a border wall and repeatedly accused Mexico of economic and social problems to the states -United.

Trump's son-in-law and White House aide Jared Kushner accompanied Pompeo as well as Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.

The first meeting of the American delegation is held with Pena Nieto, then with the newly elected president.

Many protesters, upon arrival at the delegation, condemned the Trump government's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which separated families trying to seek asylum in the United States.

"Where are our children?" he read on a billboard. Others have written messages like "Stop Trump" and "ICE is a terrorist" – a reference to the US immigration and customs law enforcement.

Pompeo acknowledged tensions in US-Mexican relations when he praised Lopez Obrador, but promised that the US administration led by Donald Trump values ​​bilateral relations.

"We know that there have been collisions on the road between our two countries, but President Trump is determined to improve and strengthen relations between our two peoples," Pompeo said.

"We wanted to come here to inform you that President Trump is deeply concerned about the success of the relations between our two countries and that our presence here today [sexta-feira] points it out," he said.

Both countries have a common border of nearly 3,000 kilometers and traditionally coordinate security and immigration.

Mexico is the third largest trading partner of the United States in terms of consumer goods. The United States buys about 80% of Mexican exports from cars, fruits and vegetables to beer.

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