Michael Ondaatje's book "The English Sicker" chosen the best price ever Booker – Culture


The book was first published in Portugal by Don Quixote in 1996, coinciding with the release year of the film titled "The English Patient".

The film, directed by Anthony Minghella of Ondaatje, won nine of the 12 Oscars for which he was nominated.

"The English Sick is the rare book we feel under our skin and insists that we will come back to it again and again, again with a new surprise: it moves gently between the two. epic and intimate – in one we are faced with the expanse of the desert and in another to see a nurse placing a piece of plum in the patient's mouth, "said Kamila Shamsie, a member of the jury .

The organization of the Man Booker literary prize decided to award this year a "Golden Booker" to the book which was chosen as the best of the 51 editions ever made. First, a jury selected one book per decade from those who had won the award in the past, and after the finalists were announced, the public voted for their favorite.

"Few books deserve the adjective of transformation, it's one of them," added Shamsie, the juror who was in charge of the 1990s.

"In the last months of the Second World War, four people are gathered in an Italian villa: a young nurse who breaks the energies of her last dying patient, an unknown Englishman, who survives a plane disaster , a thief whose "talents" make him a war hero, and one of his victims, and an Indian soldier of the British army, an expert in bomb disposal, who learned three years of war by " The only sure thing is itself, "reads the synopsis of the book.

Stressing during his career, Ondaatje has published his latest book, entitled "Warlight" this year.

Among the finalists in the "Golden" edition of Man Booker were still VS Naipaul, "Free State" (1971), Penelope Lively, "Moon Tiger" (1987), Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall "(2009). ), and George Saunders, with "Lincoln in the Bardo" (2017).

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