Millionaire and religious leader, who is Prince Aga Khan, the man that the Ishmaelites follow?


Karim Aga Khan was born December 13, 1936 in Geneva and will be in Lisbon until the 12th for the closing of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, that is to say his 60 years at the head of the Ismailis. This is the third Aga Khan to lead the community. The title was attributed by the Shah of Persia around 1830.

– The head of the Ismailis was 20 years old when everything began in 1957. The grandfather, Aga Khan III, left in the will the Indication that the grandson would be the 49th Imam. "In the face of recent changes in the world, I am convinced that it is in the best interest of the Ishmaelite community to succeed me to a young man who has built and developed in recent years and in the new age and bringing a new vision

– The father is Aly Khan, the youngest son of Aga Khan III, a playboy who filled the pages of newspapers with his stories there included romance, and a two-year marriage with actress Rita Hayworth between 1949 and 1951. She died in 1960 as a result of a car accident.

– The mother is the princess Tajuddawlah Aly Khan, born Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller. He converted to Islam after marriage.

– During the Second World War, he lived in Nairobi, Kenya. Back in Switzerland, he attended the school Le Rosey. He graduated in Islamic History from Harvard University in 1959. He was already Imam

– He was also the leader of the Ismailis who represented the Iranian selection at the 1964 Winter Olympics . Sport has always been present in your life. Horses, ice hockey, football, rowing and skiing.

– Although there is no country, Aga Khan is received as head of state . This is what will happen in Portugal.

– His community is Ismaili, between 8 and 10 thousand people in Portugal, 15 million worldwide, who consider him descendant of

– Over the centuries, leaves Asia and Africa and settled in Europe and North America

– They are a minority branch of the Shiite, already minority, and the most liberal. ] Over the 1400 years of the history of Ismailism, Persia was the territory where they spent most of their time, after crossing North Africa and Egypt. In the 19th century, they focused on what is now India and Pakistan. They continue to be countries with a large number of Ismailis. But not only.

– In the 1970s Canada hosted many Ismailis who left Uganda, Madagascar or South Africa and Portugal, Mozambique . "Many thought about going to Canada, they ended up staying," says Nazim Ahmad, diplomatic representative of the Imamat in Portugal at DN.

– The prince is the 49th Imam and inherited the spiritual leader position of this community from his grandfather, Muhammed Shah, a prominent man in colonial India, who later moved to the United Kingdom and he presided over the League of Nations.

– He is married twice. The first with an old British model, with whom she had three children (two boys and one girl), the second with a pop singer of German origin. They have a son in common.

– In his interventions, he defends the investment of fortune by helping the poorest countries. "When you travel in the developing world, we see that poverty is the engine of despair and that it is possible that all means are used," he said .
New York Times
10 years ago, in one of his rare interviews. The prince speaks, but hardly ever answers questions. He advocates to help the poorest through business. "We have developed a protection against extremism."

He is married twice. The first with an old British model, with whom she had three children (two boys and one girl), the second with a pop singer of German origin. They have a son in common

– The Prince founded the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), of which he is also the CEO. The multiple organizations are divided into three broad areas: economic, social and cultural. "This is not a capitalist society that aims to distribute dividends among shareholders." What he says is that his investments can take advantage of other forms of economic growth in a country or region that result in more jobs and hope. for the poorest. Building business "is part of the ethics of faith," he told the American newspaper

– He does not like to be portrayed as a philanthropist or entrepreneur. He calls it his "mandate".

– He has two planes, a 25-year-old yacht parked in Sicily, a multi-acre estate in Paris and an island where he hosted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He is a religious leader surrounded by wealth, which he does not see as contradictory. Forbes estimated his fortune at $ 800 million and listed him on the list of the 10 richest in the world in 2010.

– He has a great passion for horses, like his grandfather before him. He creates purebloods in France, one of his most successful businesses. The girl follows the steps in this branch.

– The Ishmaelites contribute with donations for the functioning of the community. "But it's not mandatory," says Nazim Ahmad.

– According to the New York Times the Aga Khan network for development occupies 36,000 people. His name was linked to 90 companies. Hotels, a telecommunications operator, an airline and a hydroelectric plant in Uganda where it has invested $ 750 million, but most are small businesses in Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The Network charges 925 million euros which are reinvested in community support.

He has a great passion for horses, like the grandfather before him. He creates purebloods in France, one of his most successful businesses

– One of his first businesses in 1961 was to establish a media company in Nairobi. "It took the withdrawal of the British from East Africa for African politics to be explained to the African public in African terms." The Nation Media Group has become a successful group of companies

– It has also founded gymnasiums (plans to open one in Portugal) and universities. The grandfather founded more schools in the early twentieth century and one of his most famous quotes concerns the education of girls. "Personally, if I had two girls, a boy and a girl, and I could only raise one, I would not hesitate to let the girl pursue a better education."

– Aga Khan was the first in Portugal in 1960, and was decorated several times. A year ago, he officially returned to sign the protocol to change the headquarters of the Imamat in Lisbon in 2015. He will return safely in 2019 for the inauguration of the restored Palacete Mendonça, a listed building, by Ventura Terra, currently under construction. function (d, s, id) {
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