The majority of students already have grades awarded, with 7% of students missing, according to data from the Ministry of Education, who sent inspectors to schools to verify compliance with standards previously challenged by the directors. In early June, a strike took place during the evaluation meetings organized by the newly formed Union of All Teachers (STOP), the other trade union structures having ended the demonstration last week.
In statements to Lusa, the Ministry of Education (ME) said that "93% of students are already assessed," according to data collected late Thursday, July 19. The percentage of students still without a degree should represent about 80,000 students, according to Lusa accounts, based on the universe of students enrolled in primary and secondary education.
The areas of the country with the most students evaluated are Alentejo and Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, and the ME guarantees that he is working "to complete the assessments."
In response to Lusa , the ministry explained that the teams of the General Inspectorate of Education and Science were charged with "legal and regulatory terms, to help school principals and management bodies to resolve ongoing cases by applying instructions previously sent to schools.
However, the latest instructions sent to schools to circumvent the effects of the strike have been criticized by several school principals, who questioned its legality.Tutela's note defended that in the third attempt to to hold a meeting of the Class Council, this could be accomplished by having the majority of teachers present (50% + one), although the legislation in force requires the presence of all teachers.
"There is an interpretation by many directors that this note contained signs and illegalities, "said Manuel Pereira, president of the National Association of Heads of Institutions (ANDE), in statements to Lusa Manuel Pereira and Filinto Lima, president of the other structure representing school principals, argue that the guardianship should take a clear position on the issue of evaluations, instead of leaving the directors the decis whether or not to follow the disclosed information notes. by the general direction of the schools. "This school year is very difficult for all of us," regrets Manuel Pereira
. Another doubt of the directors is about the transfer of students, which ended up being bothered by the teachers' strike. (19659002) According to Lusa, the ministry said that "in case of difficulties in the transfer of students, they will be activated administrative measures to ensure that the situation is corrected and that no student suffers harm. "
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