Mozambique and Portugal strengthen their cooperation ” /> The governments of Mozambique and Portugal may sign a Memorandum of Cooperation on Accident and Injury Investigations.


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<img src = " mesquita min mar tuga.jpg" border = "0" alt = "Photo of the Weekend" width = "150" style = "float: right; aeronautical incidents as well as the single amendment to the agreement on air transport services signed in 2010 and to define a plan of action for the implementation of the cooperation agreement in the field of maritime transport.

This information was published, Wednesday, July 4, in Maputo, at the press conference given by the Mozambican Minister of Transport and Communications, Carlos Mesquita, and the Portuguese Minister of the Sea, to announce the results of the work done during the two days of visit in the sector "

" The agreements have already been prepared, analyzed and two parties are in agreement with the principles that are structured and understood between several aspects in the field ss legal status, documentation on maritime conventions and other specialties, namely maritime administration and safety, cabotage services, technologies, information systems, the marine environment and institutional development ", explained Carlos Mesquita. that the two countries will have the opportunity to continue to collaborate on logistics platforms for intermodal transport, which is considered extremely important and fundamental to ensure the safe and competitive mobility of people and goods. "We have talked a lot and worked to strengthen good relations between the two sectors and the governments of Mozambique and Portugal," said the Minister of Transport and Communications.

Following her working visit to Mozambique, Ana Paula Vitorino, emphasized the in-depth identification of each country's strengths, as well as the constraints they have on the sector's development strategies .

"We understand that there are key areas such as training, security and also the areas of innovation that cross all these regions," said the Portuguese Minister of the Sea, adding that two countries must promote innovation in maritime transport, port management and adequate procedures. As he pointed out, there is another area which is cross-cutting in all these areas and which concerns legal approaches and which will also be an area of ​​collaboration between the two countries.

"We understand that we need to have joint teams working in these areas. It will not be one country that will provide support to one another. The two countries, with their technicians and their leaders, will hold meetings to develop each of the specific aspects, "said Ana Paula Vitorino

The Portuguese government in this sector wants Mozambique to participate in the organization of conferences, seminars and everything related to the development and creation of knowledge, whether in Mozambique or Portugal It is important to underline that the visit of the Portuguese governor is part of the preparation of the Portuguese-Mozambican summit to be held tomorrow in Maputo

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