Mozambique will review the case of Portugal's disappearance


The Attorney General of Sofala Province, central Mozambique, will examine the process of the disappearance of Portuguese citizen Américo Sebastião in 2016, analyzing the new elements surrounding the case, the Mozambican press reports.

The head of the province of Sofala, Carolina Azarias, said Wednesday in Beira, capital of Sofala province, during a press conference, that the trial relating to the disappearance of Americo Sebastião was not closed

", the perpetrators of the crime were not identified and the victim was not found, as well as the instruction" said Carolina Azariah.

After the preliminary investigation, the National Service of Criminal Investigations (SERNIC) The prosecutor and the magistrate in charge of the case refrained from accusing and ordered that business awaited from 39, other evidence, he added.

"The offended party was notified and, through the intermediary of her lawyers, she reacted, did not agree, and asked to take action." said the prosecutor chief of Sofala.

Caroline Azarias said that she decided to order other measures

Américo Sebastião, a Portuguese businessman, disappeared in July 2016 in Nhamapadza, Marínguè district , Sofala province, at a time when the region was the scene of armed clashes between the guerrillas of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the main opposition party, and the Defense and Security Forces (MSDS)

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