MP calls for 54 of Hells Angels detainees held in custody – Portugal


The prosecutor on Monday asked 54 of the 58 detainees in Portugal in the process of the Hells Angels biker group, said one of the defense lawyers.

The maximum restraint measure was requested for almost

The Crown began the presentation of coercive measures this morning, and the court is expected to hear defense counsel thereafter.

The meeting was scheduled to take place at 9:30. Justice Campus, Lisbon, after interrogations of the 58 accused of the group of motorcyclists arrested in Portugal were completed at the end of the week.

The interrogations, which took three days, were done at the Criminal Court of

It is not yet clear whether the judge will order the coercive measures on Monday, since He will still hear the

Hells Angels case investigation was developed by the Central Department of Criminal Investigation and Action.

The Hells Angels case investigation was developed by the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Enforcement and the National Counter-Terrorism Unit of the Judicial Police and the search warrants and the Arrest were executed last Wednesday.

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