Multivitamin supplements do not prevent infarction and stroke


At least for the general population, taking pills of vitamins and minerals does not prevent cardiovascular problems, according to a gigantic study

What vitamin and mineral supplement to take: heart attack and stroke "title =" Multivitamínicos e doenças cardiovasculares como infarto e avc "/>

No, multivitamins are not a magic pill (Illustration: Pedro Hamdan / HEALTH is vital)

" It was rather difficult to persuade people, including nutrition researchers, accept that multivitamin supplements and minerals do not prevent cardiovascular disease, such as stroke and stroke ", says the cardiologist Joonseok Kim of the University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA. "We hope that our study will reduce the Enthusiasm about these products, "he said in a statement.

But what is this experience? This is actually a review of 18 studies, which count more than 12 million volunteers. While some of these people frequently consumed multivitamins, the other was distributing the pills – on average, they were followed for 12 years.

Outcome: There was no significant difference in mortality due to cardiovascular disease between the two classes. "Although multivitamins, taken with moderation, probably do not cause harm, we encourage people to protect their own heart by understanding their individual risks and by talking to a professional about what to do, proven effective, and include healthy eating. , exercise, smoking cessation […] and, if necessary, treatment, "explains Kim.

What this survey concludes, in short, is that the population as a whole should cease to use so-called magic pills (and this does not include only supplements) rather than to bet on already consecrated tactics.However, it is a matter of consideration.

L & # 39; An examination has been made with the general population, that is, it is possible that people with a proven lack of certain nutrients will benefit from an additional contribution – and this would not be identified in such a work. he scientist.However, experts still claim that the body's diet with beneficial substances through the diet. And never buy supplements yourself.

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