Municipality of São Brás de Alportel joins the prevention of skin cancer – Jornal diariOnline – Região Sul


The municipality of São Brás de Alportel has been associated, for an additional year, with the national campaign for the prevention of cutaneous cancer that the Portuguese Association of Cutaneous Cancer (APCC), in collaboration with the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venerology, develops

The "Sol e Pele – Saber Conviver" campaign is announced in richer public spaces, as well as other means, at this time of the year and calls on the population to prevent carcinogenic skin problems and perform regular self-exams on changes in signs or spots on the skin.

The use of sunglasses, sunscreen, hat and light clothing; protection with the use of shadow; and excessive exposure to the sun in the hours most dangerous to health are fundamental attitudes for the protection of the skin and prevention of skin cancer, the most common in Portugal. Before any alteration or appearance of a sign or a spot, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist

The campaign also has more detailed information online searchable on the sites: www.euromelanoma .org / Portugal or www.

Aware of the importance of prevention in the promotion of health, the Municipality of São Brás de Alportel joined this campaign by spreading campaign posters in various parts of the village, the diffusion in the social networks and on the site of the municipality, as well as in the monthly agenda "São Brás Acontece"



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