According to a statement sent to the Lusa agency, the Navy vessels on mission to the Azores have since the beginning of the year "48 patrol and surveillance actions" that have allowed for the following. identify 19 ships "in alleged infringement", registering a
During the first six months of this year, actions in "adjacent and protected areas under the responsibility of the Portuguese State", carried out by the ship of Viana do Castelo ocean patrol, Antonio Corvette Enes and the Tejo patrol vessel were mainly intended for illegal fishing
"Patrol actions and surveillance of maritime areas focused on the detection of vessels operating illegally Portuguese waters and in prohibited fishing zones, in particular within the EEZ, between 100 and 200 nautical miles, in particular the prohibited fishing zones in the banks of Condor and reserves n the Islanders of Formig Bank of the Azores and the Bank of the Azores and the Bank of Princess Alice, "reads the statement.
In addition to the surveillance, the Navy points out, in the same statement, that these actions still served to alert "the fishing community" to the importance "of having the means to adequate and operational rescue, preservation of the marine environment and species, and the scourge of waste and plastics in the sea "
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