The clinical trial administering Viagra to pregnant women was suspended after the death of 11 babies. There are also records of infants who have developed lung diseases because of the effects of this drug. The study was suspended Monday night by the Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, which was responsible for the trial, and an internal investigation was opened to determine what failed.
The doctors involved in the experiment felt that the properties of sildenafil drug, better known as viagra, would help to dilate the blood vessels, improving blood flow to the placenta. Respondents report that fetuses of women who have been treated have developmental problems . Increased blood flow, development could be standardized, they believed.
Viagra is commonly used to stimulate male erection, but is also often prescribed to people with high blood pressure. In their defense, scientists claim that the underdeveloped fetuses that they did could only be saved by this experience. " The prognosis for these infants was negative and other forms of treatment are not known ," said one of the doctors, quoted by El Mundo.
In total, the drug was used in 93 pregnant women. In addition to 11 babies who died because of breathing problems, six were born with severe breathing difficulties. There were eight other deaths that were apparently not related to the clinical trial. Currently, there are still 15 women waiting to give birth to those who have already received a first dose of the drug.
The test was underway in 10 Dutch hospitals since 2015 and was to be extended until 2020. Reject the possibility of opening an investigation outside the case.
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