News in brief Brazil – Learn how to plant medicinal herbs at home


P To improve your anxiety, take tea at the sacred grass! Who has not ever received this miracle trick? It is one of the herbs recommended for medicinal use. Knowing how to conserve and use each is fundamental to a good result. And for those who wish to consume them in a fresh way, it is also possible to grow at home.

The biochemist pharmacist, Dr. Decio Gomes de Oliveira, professor of Unoeste who develops works and studies on medicinal plants, points out that there are innumerable benefits that herbs also offer long as they are used properly. "The consumption of teas also has a limit to not become harmful," he says.

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Regarding the consumption of dried or fresh leaf teas, Oliveira emphasizes that both forms are beneficial and when properly dehydrated they can be even better because their active ingredients are concentrated and a way to have these plants in certain seasons. The teacher also notes that drinking tea is best when it is done without storage. "Making good use, with the right dosage and the right handling, is what guarantees us an effective treatment." And these plants can also be used in other ways, such as for the production of ointments (ointment), in the application of poultice (drug potato), in addition to baths. "In the bath, they help to relax and transcend the physical body, reorganizing the energy," says Oliveira.

Directly from the foot – The agronomy professor, Ana Cláudia Pacheco, emphasizes that home culture of medicinal plants is possible both in pots, bibs, and in flower beds. flowers. The chosen location must be exposed to the sun for at least one time of the day. "The soil must be properly fertilized and have constant irrigation.In the case of apartments, care is given to balconies, places where the presence of strong winds and intense sun can disrupt the development of plants."

Harvest and size – "In the case of plants that allow multiple cuts / size, such as mint, basil, rosemary and sage, it is important to use sanitized instruments and always cut the entire branch (+ leaves) It is advisable to leave them with a height of at least 15 cm above the ground, for their rapid regeneration.The harvest should always be done in the coolest hours of the day and consume as quickly as possible so as not to lose active substances ", explains Ana Claudia

Attention! It is common to confuse similar plants in the physical aspect and also in the popular name. For example, citronella with lemongrass and hibiscus with ornamental hibiscus. "You have to be very careful because lemongrass should not be ingested." Ana Claudia emphasizes that it is extremely necessary to know the scientific name of the plant, which is unique for each species.

For every discomfort, a plant. Check the gallery above the indicated pathologies and plants.

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