Nine Inch Nails at NOS Alive & # 39; 18 – A concert worthy of a tête-à-tête


The Nine Inch Nails completely dominated the first day of NOS Alive & # 39; 18, having been unanimously crowned as the big winners of the day.

Thousands of people had to quickly leave the concert of Alice Wolf to get to the NOS stadium and start the concert of the big winners of the first day of NOS Alive, Nine Inch Nails ] The group led by Trent Reznor burst, attacking with everything, and not wasting time in half-measures and interactions with the public. It was almost until the end, because the time it took to act was too short for the broad repertoire of the group that helped define industrial rock. Perhaps "stung" by the fact that they only have an hour to act, to act the day before the Snow Patrol, may have given the group even more desire to surprise those who were especially there for Arctic Monkeys. In a big festival like NOS Alive, which has a daily audience of 55,000, group concerts that are not the biggest thing in the audience can be very complicated.

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20180712 In the Alive Nine Inch Nails Arlindo Camacho 0004

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20180712 In the Alive Nine Inch Nails Arlindo Camacho 0004

"data-medium-file =" "data-large-file =" https: / / "class =" size-full wp-image-350263 "src =" https: // canoticias- Nine Inch Nails at NOS Alive & # 39; 18 – A Concert worthy of a tête-à-tête "With all the flips on his shoulders, Reznor and Company delivered the best concert of the festival edition this first day.

Photo: Arlindo Camacho / NOS Alive

On stage, the lighting and scenography were brilliant and completely consistent with the music that was heard, sometimes surrounded by smoke black and with its shadows exposed behind stage s, or wrapped in an explosion of blue and red colors, everything makes sense there. "tracks such as" Copy of A "," T " you like a hole "or" Hand that feeds "were responsible for the greatest moments Headbanging of the first night. The audience who was not so interested or even aware of the magnitude of the band that was still there with the sun to break was conquered with every song that the Nine Inch Nails presented. If at the beginning of the show, it was normal for many viewers to talk to each other or to consult their social networks, over time, it diminished, leading to the fantastic "Hurt". Before that, Trent Reznor had dedicated to himself a version of I'm afraid of David Bowie's Americans, reminding us all the memory of Reznor's friend, Bowie.

It was shorter than desirable, and perhaps not so well framed in this poster (who would see this concert immediately before or after Qotsa), but the Nine Inch Nails gave it all and so much they are in agreement , like us, that the return to the Portuguese lands will have to be fast

Less than
March of the pigs
The lovers
Mirror of poop
God breaks the door
I'm afraid of Americans (David Bowie's cover)
Gave Up
The hand that feeds
Head like a hole

This year's edition of the festival on July 12, 13 and 14 and you can check here all the information under re or NOS Alive & # 39; 18.

Arctic Monkeys at NOS Alive – 18 – Alex Turner is not the new Nick Cave

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