North Korea to amnesty sentenced for crimes against the country


The amnesty will come into effect on August 1, unveiled the Pyonyang regime through the official KCNA news agency, guaranteeing that "practical steps will be taken to help people released to reinstate normal working life "

" Protecting the independent and creative life of the masses and serving. "

The Supreme People's Congress (parliament) issued a decree on July 12, reported KCNA, without giving further details on the number of people involved in the amnesty. the people with the full desire to fully realize the idea of ​​prioritizing the popular masses "is" the essential requirement of the Korean socialist system and the invariable principle of state activities, "said the agency of the State.

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North Korea will celebrate September 9th as the anniversary of the founding of the country, an event that in recent years has been used to recover its nuclear and ballistic arsenal and waits with much hope after the rapprochement of the country with South Korea and the diplomatic change in relations with the United States.

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