Odemira discusses "Flexibilização Curricular" | Pax Radio


"Flexibilização Curricular" is the motto of the annual education symposium promoted by the Odemira House. The initiative addressed to the educational community, will take place this Thursday at Cineteatro Camacho Costa

The municipality justifies the choice of this theme by "the fact that, from the next academic year, all schools can join the project of curriculum flexibility which, to date, has been applied as part of a pilot project. "

The symposium is scheduled for 9:30 am, with the opening session by José Alberto Guerreiro, president of the municipality.The first conferences are on the theme of the Legislative Framework and the Flexibility of Curriculum.

In the Afternoon, from 14:00, at the 1st Cycle of Odemira, practical workshops are organized on "How to implement Curricular Flexibility" in

The symposium is part of the ODETE – Odemira Educational Territory project, "whose objective is to affirm Odemira as a territory of excellence in education, with a view to preventing early school leaving, to improve academic achievement and indicators of qualification and training of the population, as well as the definition of concerted and coherent educational policies taking into account the characteristics of the municipality, in a logic of participative construction and with the participation of the whole community educative. "

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