OE2019: "We have not changed a word or a letter", warns Jerónimo de Sousa


PCP Secretary General, Jerónimo de Sousa, said today that in a moment of closeness to the discussion on the next state budget, the party is changing "neither a word nor a letter".

Jerónimo de Sousa, who was speaking in Cantanhede, Coimbra District, during the CDU Women's Day Tour, said that "we do not change a word or a letter".

According to the Communist Secretary General, the PCP goes to the debate on the state budget for 2019 with the idea of ​​fighting for better wages, a further extraordinary increase in pensions and reforms, a policy of different health,

For Jerónimo de Sousa, the problem is not the lack of money, but "the options" that the socialist government takes, by "keeping untouchable" the profit of the powerful, at to the detriment of those who work or who have worked and who are entitled to a dignified life. "

" We are of the opinion that it is possible to move forward. "There is no money for health, for the public school, for infrastructure, for the defense of public services." "

The Secretary General of the PCP pointed out to the bank, noting that he had never had any difficulty in" getting the state to make billions of euros investments "
"It is an unsustainable debt that is not payable but that the government has found a way in the next four years of 35 billion dollars – the money that the Portuguese produce – goes straight to the debt service, "he said, saying that the government" is also more populous than the pope ".

In this sense, Jerónimo de Sousa considers that if the present solution of the government brings a replacement of the rights and incomes and removes a first obstacle – "the government PSD / CDS" -, it misses another one.

"There was a second hurdle that was not overcome and esse and that is the right policy.A right-wing policy that continues to benefit a large, powerful capital, which has accepted the dictates , impositions and interference from the European Union and the euro, which has limited gains "achieved in the last two and a half years." Jerónimo de Sousa, the PS is "able to shake this right, "the reason, according to him, not to" go further "on the path already taken by the current government solution

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