Good week for the candidates! At least 21,754 spaces are open in 122 public events with a public notice published all over the country!
Candidates from all areas of Brazil seeking police careers may participate in the Pernambuco Military Police Contest with entries up to July 16, Military Police. Espírito Santo ] With inscriptions until July 26 Military Police of Alagoas with inscriptions until July 24 and the military police of Minas Gerais with registration up to July 24 As of July 30th. The initial salary offered is R $ 8,500 in the PC / PE, R6,000 in the ES, R3,000 in the PM / LA and R3,000 in the PM / MG.
Other calls for proposals Police careers have also been published. The one of the contest to fill the free places of the places of the Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte [196459012] ( Contest PM RN ) that offers 1000 vacant positions distributed between the positions of the military police place – man (938) and the place of the military police – woman (62). The registration period for the RN RN Internet Contest will run from July 16th to August 13th. The Contest for Delegate of the Sergipe Civil Police (PC SE Contest) made his announcement last week and registration starts at 10 am on July 19 and ends at 6 pm . hours of August 6.
The State Secretariat for Administration (SEAD) of the State of Amapá issued the public notice to open the 39; call for public offer that will offer opportunities for the function of Military Policeman of the Health Council of Military Police of the State of Amapá ( Contest PM PM Health Officer ). The event offers 10 vacancies immediately spread across several specialties of the health zone, as well as chances of building up a reserve register. The contest will receive registrations from 10 am on August 13th at 2 pm on September 17th.
The Diploma Career Admission Contest 2018 has an open registration. Do not miss it, because the deadline ends today! In total, there are 26 vacancies, and those approved in the competition will enter the career as Third MRE Secretaries with a salary of R $ 18,059.83. Registrations began on July 2 and will continue until 6 pm on July 16, 2018.
Registration is open to the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District. There are 86 places for with a pay of up to R $ 16,000. Registration is open until July 25th.
The wait is over! The public announcement of the contest for the Prosecutor's Office of Piauí (MPE PI Contest ) was announced on July 11 on the website of the Brazilian Center for Research in Evaluation and Selection of Events (Cebraspe / Cespe). The registration must take place between 18 July 2018 and 18 August 2018 at 18:00 (Brasília / DF official time).
The Public Prosecutor of Paraíba (MPPB) issued the public notice to open its public tender call for the post of Deputy Prosecutor. Registrations will be open exclusively via the Internet, in the period from 10/06 to 26/06/2014 at 14:00 on 25/07/2018.
The admission contest for registration at the Army Supplementary Table Officer Training Course, with vacations for Army Complementary Training School [19659004] and the School of Army Health (ESSEx) is open to enrollment and will continue until August 3, 2018.
The School of Health of the United States. Army (ESSEx) has opened a new selection for the training course for Army Health Officials – CFO / S SAL. The notice that offers 143 vacancies for various positions in the field of health. During the period from July 16 to August 13, 2018, the entries for the public competition
A Secretary of Finance of the State of Goiás published a notice for the supply of 28 vacancies and Registration Reserve Training for the position of State Tax Auditor, Class A, Standard 1, in Sefaz's treasury career. The registration will be open in the period from 26/10/2018 to 14:00 on August 24, 2018.
The registration is open to the public contest of Attorney General of the State of & 39, Amapá . Five vacancies are offered for the public prosecutor and 10 others for registration. To apply, you must have a law degree. The Regional Labor Court of the 14th Region which is competent in the states of Acre and Rondônia, is also subject to registration. applications. There are 2 job vacancies plus Registration for Judicial Analyst. The Federal University of Santa Maria published the public notice for the opening of a public competition to fill six vacancies for the technician career – administrative in education, intermediate / technical and higher. The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN 2018) published two notices for the filling of 69 vacancies in several positions of medium, medium / technical and higher. The Federal University of Ceará (UFC Contest) published two edicts today. One to fill the vacancies for the post of assistant in the middle level administration. The other for positions of information technology analyst, architect and urban planner, accountant, economist, nurse / sector, agronomist, engineer / sector, veterinarian, museologist, sports technician, senior level. Applications may be made between 8 am on August 1, 2018 and 11:59 pm on August 12, 2018.
The Prison Administration Institute (IAPEN AP Competition) State Amapá has published its opening notice. There are 110 immediate vacancies and 440 reserve files distributed among the positions of social penitentiary educator and prison officer. The registration will be exclusively open on the website of the Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC), the event's organizing bank, between 17 September and 15 October.
A Amapá State Secretariat (SEAD Contest AP) has just issued a new public tender call with 925 vacancies at the Intermediate and Senior level, of which 365 are immediate and 560 for the formation of a reserve register for the state government management group. Entries can be made from August 13, 2018 and until September 14, 2018.
The edict was published for the competition of Metropolitan Company of Water and Water. Energy (EMEA competition). The competition is organized by the Carlos Chagas Foundation and offers 73 vacant posts for middle / technical and higher level positions. Registrations will be made exclusively, via the Internet, on the website of the Carlos Chagas Foundation in the uninterrupted hours of 10 am from 16 July 2018 to 14:00 on 18/08/2018.
Feira de Santana City Hall ( Concura Feira de Santana ), in the State of Bahia, issued a public tender call with a total of 100 Senior level positions for the preschool teacher position of the 5th grade elementary school. Registrations must be made exclusively through the website of the Organizing Bank Public AOCP Contest from 10 July to 23:59 on 6 August 2018.
For those who have waited, the announcement of Secretary of Culture of the state of Ceará has been published! 102 positions are available for the positions of cultural analyst, asset analyst, anthropologist, archivist, librarian, historian, museologist and sociologist. Registrations will be open from July 20th to August 30th
The Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of Maranhão ( Contest CRMV MA ) has issued the call for public offer that offers 72 vacancies for middle and upper levels. The event offers opportunities for two positions: Administrative Assistant, which requires an intermediate and Fiscal education, which requires a course in veterinary medicine. The CRMV MA Contest will receive registrations from July 12th and will run until 11:59 pm on August 14th.
For those who need a vacancy in the Brazilian Navy the competition was published for the Praça da Armada Corps. There are 30 places for the job, with a pay of up to R $ 4,000. Registrations go until August 8th.
The tender of Câmara Municipal of Goiania was published! 75 vacancies are proposed, plus a reserve register for upper and middle levels. Registration will be open between 16 July and 6 August and must be done via the Internet on the UFG website.
There are also opportunities for professionals of all levels of education, including municipalities, district and federal, in the judicial, legislative, executive and military branches. Please note that primary, intermediate and higher careers are covered in open competitions for prefectures, IFs and UFs.
The highest salary is offered for the Public Ministry of Paraíba competition, with an initial of R $ 24,818.90
Competitions opened this week (16/07 to 22/07)
This week At least 13 competitions open the registration deadline for 1,871,000 positions at all levels of education. They are: Goiânia Town Hall (GO), Miraí Town Hall (MG), Pimenta Town Hall (MG), Vargem Grande do Sul Town Hall (SP), Colégio Pedro II, in RJ, Company Metropolitan Water and (S / A), Brazilian Army, Rio Grande do Norte Military Police, Carrancas Prefecture (MG), Jataí City Hall (GO), Juiz de Fora City Hall (MG) and Prefeitura de Resende (19459012): FCC
09/09 for the Technical Advisor-L (19659070) 15/09 for the Attorney General,
16/09 for the Legislative Counsel (all regions) and police officer legisla tive; IPHAN 2018 Competition:
- Competition : National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IPHAN)
- (19459012) Institutional and Institutional Support I.
- Institutional and Institutional Support I.
- Institutional Bank
Institutional Bank Cebraspe - : Middle and Upper
- Number of Vacancies: 415
- Remuneration : Up to R $ 5,000
- Entries: from June 18 to July 09, 2018
- Secunda PA Rate Contest:
- Contest : State Secretary for Communications Date of the objective: Aug. 26, 2018
(19459012) Journalist, Pub. Contest Organizing Bank : AOCP Contest
- Position: Journalist, Pub Up to July 24, 19659064
- Up to $ 3,000 [19659063] Total number of vacancies: 7
- Remuneration
: Up to R $ 3,000 - 2018
- Interest: R $ 89
- Date of Employment Purpose: 2 September 2018
TCE MG Contest:
- Competition : State Audit Office of the State of Minas Gerais Institutional Bank : Cebraspe
- Position : Analysts of External Control
- Education : Higher Level
- Number of vacancies: 39
- Remuneration : R $ 8,000
- Registration: from 06 August to 04 September 2018
- Registration fees: R $ : Public Ministry of the State of Piauí (MP PI Competition)
- Organizing Bank : Cebraspe / Cespe
- Position: Technical; Analyst
- Education: Level Medium and Higher
- Number of Vacancies: 26 + CR
- Indemnification : Up to R $ 6,000
- Registration : from 18 to 06 July of August of 2018
- Rate: R $ 90 or R $ 110
- Date of the objective test: 23 September 2018
: Military Police Officer of the Amapá Police
- Contest: Contest: Military Police of Amapá (Concurrent PM Health Officer AP)
- Organizing Bank : Carlos Chagas Foundation Health
- Education : Higher level
- Number of vacancies: 10 + CR
- Remuneration : Up to R $ 9,000 after the internship
- Registration: August at 2 pm of September 17
- Hourly rate: R $ 120
- Test date: December 2, 2018 [19659080] VOIR Contest SP – Orga Agent School Organization Agent
- School Officer : School Organization Agent
- : School Organization Agent
- : School Organization Officer
- Intermediate Level
- Number of Vacancies: 1,495
- Remuneration : Up to R $ 1.2 thousand
- Entries: from 11 June to 10 July 2018
- Date of Objective Proof: 26 August 2018
PM Contest PE:
- Contest: Pernambuco Military Police ( Contest: PM PE ])
- Positions : Soldier and Official
- Education : Upper and lower level
- Number of vacancies: 580
- Remuneration : up to R $ 9,000
- Inscriptions : Between June 10 and July 8 (official) and between June 10 and 12 July 2018 (Soldier)
Member States Civil Police Competition (MS CP): R $ 135 and R $ 150
- Target Date: August 12 (Official) and August 26, 2018 (Soldier) Contest : Civil Police of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)
- Corporate Banking : Fapems
- Positions : Researcher; registrar; Delegation
- Education : Higher level
- Number of vacancies : 210
- Remuneration : Up to 14,978.26 R $
- Registration: Between 8 and 10 June 19 July 2017
- Estimate: R $ 197.28
- Date of Test : September 17 (Registrar and Investigator) and August 20 (Delegate)
GO Delegate: Competition : Goiás Civil Police (Goiás Civil Police Competition – PC GO)
- Organizing Bank : UEG
- Position : Delegate [19659063] : Higher Law Degree
- Number of Vacancies : 100
- Remuneration : R $ 19,242.52
- Registration: from June 12 to July 11 2018
- Estimate: R $ 200
- Tests: 12 August 2018
SEAD AP Competition:
- Competition: Secretariat from the State to Amapá (SEAD contest AP)
- Organization of the bank : Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC)
- Duties: Administrative Analyst (20); Legal Analyst (10); Financial and Control Analyst (20); Planning and Budget Analyst (15) and Administrative Assistant (300)
- Education : Middle and Upper Levels,
- Compensation: up to R $ 6,830.76
- ] Number of vacancies: 925 (365 immediately and 560 CR)
- Registration: August 13 to September 14, 2018
- Hourly rate: R $ 85.00 and R $ 100,00
- AP IAPEN Competition:
- Contest: Institute of Prison Administration (IAPEN AP Contest)
- Organization of the Bank : Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC)
- Positions: Social Educator Penitentiary and Penitentiary
- Schooling : Intermediate level
- Remuneration: at R $ 3,318.64
- Number of vacancies: 110 immediate + 440 CR
- Proposals: 17/9 and 15/10
- Rate: R $ 85
- Date of the objective: [194(19459012): Sergipe Civil Police (PC SE Competition)
- Organizing Bank : Cebraspe
- Position: Delegate
- Education : Higher level
- Number of vacancies: 10 + CR
- Remuneration : R $ 11,000
- 10:00 am from day 19/07 / 2018 to 18h of the day 06/08/2018
- Value of the registration fee: R $ 249
- Date of the test: Day of test objective 21 / 10/2018; (19659010) (19659010) (Contest PM RN)
- Organizing Bank : [Discourse Analysis] IBADE IBERIA IBERIA IBERIA IBADE
- Records: July 16 to August 13
- Assessed: R $ 100
- Date of the test : September 23, 2018
PM MG Contest : ]
- Competition:
Competition: Minas Gerais Military Police (MG MG Contest) - Organizational Bank: PM MG Recruitment and Recruitment Center [19659063] Upward level
- Number of vacancies available: 1,560
- Remuneration: R $ 3.8 thousand
- Registration: from June 30 to July 30
- ] Rates:
- Contest : Civil and Military Police of Alagoas
- Banca : During an Internship : During a st age : During an internship : During an internship : After the course R $ 3,744.47
- Registration: from June 25 to July 24, 2018
- Hourly rate: R $ 95
- Evidence: 30 (19459012): Navy of Brazil
- Competition ES and CBM ES:
- Contest : Navy of Brazil
- Positions : Squares of the Armada
- Education : Intermediate Level
- Number of Vacancies : 30
- Remuneration : R $ 3.825
- : Until August 3, 2018.
- R $ 70
- Resume date: Not disclosed
UFRN 2018 Competition:
- Competition: Federal University (19659064)
- Education Schooling Schooling School of Public Education : Intermediate level, medium / technical and higher
- Compensation: [1945901] 3] to R $ 4,638.66
- Number of v agas: 69
- Submissions: Between July 23 and August 20
- Interest: R $ 50 (medium level) R $ 60 (medium / technical) R $ 80 (upper level)
- Deadline: Sep 30
UFC Contest: Contest: Federal University of Ceara (Contest UFC)
- Organizing Bank : Coordination of Competitions – : : Assistant in Administration
- Education : Intermediate Level
- Number of Vacancies: ] 12
- Remuneration : R $ 2,904.96
- from August 1 to August 12
- Registration fees: R $ 90
- Deadline: October 21
Contest UFC:
- Contest: University : Various Duties
- Education : Higher Education (19459012) Institutional Bank nnelle : Coordination of competitions – 19659064] Number of vacancies: 11
- Remuneration : R $ 4,638.66
- Inscriptions : From August 1 to August 12 [19659063] Registration Fees: R $ 120
- Deadline: November 11
Contest EsFCEx and EsSEx:
Contest EsSEx:
- Contest: School of S Service of Army Health : Training Course for Air Force Officers (Miscellaneous Positions) 19659064] Education : Higher Level
- Number of Positions to be filled: 143
- Records: between July 16 and August 13, 2018
- Indemnification : up to R $ 8, 2 thousand after CFO
- Date of Intellectual examination: 23 September 2018
- Link to the announcement in the Official Journal of the Union
Contest of Feira de S City Council antana: 19659064] : Teachers of preschool education of the 5th year of primary education
- higher level
- Number of vacancies: 100
- Remuneration : R $ 2 009.13 [19659] 064] Registration : from July 9 to August 6, 2018
- Registration Fee: R $ 100
- Deadline : 2 September 2018 [19659064] Diplomatic Competition 2018: Diplomat of the 2014 MRE Contest (Edital Diplomata 2018)
- Organizing Bank : Cespe / UnB
- Diplomats
- Education: Upward level
- Number of open vacancies: To be determined
- Remuneration : R $ 18,000
- Registration: July 2, 26 July 2018
- Registration Fees: R $ 230
- Objective Test: August 26, 2018 [1965] 9080] IFPA Contest 2018:
Sefaz Contest GO:
- Contest : Sefaz Contest GO )
- Contest : Carlos Chagas Foundation
- Expenses : Initials R $ : Auditor General of the State
- Schooling : Higher Level
- Number of Vacancies: 27 (AC) and 1 (PCD)
- [19659063] Contest
- Contest Contest Contest Contest Contest Contest : Procuratorate of the State of Amapá
- Institutional Bank : FCC
- Position: Prosecutor
- Education : Highest level
- Number of Vacancies: 5 + CR
- Remuneration : R $ 22,000
- Registration: July 2 to July 20, 2018
- Reason: R $ 200
- Proof of Objective: September 2 (19 459012)
- Contest: Metropolitan Company of Water and Energy (EMAE Contest)
- Organizing Bank: Carlos Chagas Foundation
- Functions: Miscellaneous Post ]
- Academic level: medium / technical and higher
- Number of vacancies: 73
- Indemnification: up to R $ 6,189, 40
- Entries : July 16 to August 16
- Registration Fee: R $ 75 Medium / Technical Level;
- Competition: Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of the State of Maranhão, Brazil Date of Objective: 30 September
(19459012): Assistant of management and taxation
- Education : middle and higher level
- Number of employees: jobs: 72
- Remuneration : up to 39 at R $ 2,500
- Banknotes : between July 12 and August 14
- Registration fees: R $ 50
- Bank of & nbsp; 39, operations : Carlos Chagas Foundation
- Positions : Judicial Analyst
- Education : Higher level [1Numberofpositionsto: 2 + CR
- Remuneration : Initial of R $ 11.006,83
- Inscription: From 10h on 02/07/2018 at 02:00 on 20/07/07 Competition: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Competition: Competition: Competition: 26 August 2018
of Santa Maria (UFSM Competition)
- Institutional Bank : Commission Own
- Positions : Technico-Administrative in Education
- Education : Average / Technical and Higher
- Number of Vacancies R $ 104, [R$104R$104R$104R$104R$104R$104: Câmara Municipal of Goiânia (Câma Contest) Goiania Chamber Contest:
- : Average of Levels : Up to 39 to R $ 6,700
- Institutional Banking : Institutional Banking
and over - Number of places: 75 + CR
- Entries: Between July 16th and August 6th
- Registration fees: R $ 85 or R $ 140
- Contest: Cairu City Hall BA
- Organi Bank singer: Competition of Conception
Date of Competition: 19659064] - until August 3
- Right to Registration: from R $ 50, R $ 70 and R $ 80
- Deadline: September 2 19659075] Co (19659064)
- Competition: Secretary of Culture of the State of Ceará (continued)
- Bank Organizer : State University of Ceará – FUNECE
- of 20 December This year, the number of years of work and the number of years of work July to August 30, 2018
- Rate: R $ 130
- Date of establishment: ] to be published
DAAE Contest:
- Competition: Department
- Number of Employees:
Number of Employees - Number of Employees
- Number of employees:
Number of Employees: Number of Employees: Number of Vacancies: 15 - Earnings: from R $ 1,836.47 to R $ 4,941.88
- Entries : up to August 9
- Registration Fees: R $ 42, R $ 55 and R $ 69
- Date of the year purpose: 16 September
Call for tender and / or public tender
- Police officers
- Police officers Police officers
Police officers Police officers ível superior
- Número de vagas: 1,500 (expectativa)
- Remuneração : R $ 9 mil
- Location: Previsto
- Link to the Elvis editorial
- O ] pedido diretamente no official website of the Federal Government
Advocacia-General of União
- Concurso : Advocacy-General of União ( Concurso AGU 2018 )
- Banca organizadora : A DEFINING
- Cargos : DIVERSOS
- Escolaridade : NEW SUPERIOR
- Núm ero of vagas: 100 atendidas + CR
- Remuneração : Até R $ 6 mil [19659121] Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão of publicity of editorial: 2018
Receita Federal do Brasil
- Concurso : Receita Federal do Brasil (Concurso Receita Federal)
- Banca organizadora : Esaf
- Cargos : Auditor-Fiscal; Analista-Tributario
- Escolaridade : Nível superior
- Número of vagas: 4.000 (Solicitadas ao MPOG)
- Remuneração : Até R $ 21 mil
- Situação: Previsto
- Previsão de publicação do edital: em breve
- Link to the editorial : Auditor – Analist
Senado Federal
- Concurso : Concurso Federal Senado
- Banca Examinadora : to be defined
- Total of Vagas: to define (cerca of 1,200 cargos vagos)
- Remuneração : from R $ 16,014,16 to R $ 27.582,21
- Taxa de Inscrição: a definir
- Datas de Inscrição: em breve
- Data da Prova: a definir
- Região: Brasília- DF
- Escolaridade: Médio, Superior
- Área: Fiscal, Judiciária, Administrativa, Outras
- Link do último edital: Consu ltor – Analista – Técnico – Policial
Câmara dos Deputados
- Concurso: Câmara dos Deputados
- Banca organizadora: Em definição
- Cargos: Analista; Técnico
- Número de vagas: 408 (expectativa)
- Remuneração: De R$ 14.363,84 a R$ 20.384,43 (Veja a matéria completa)
- Situação: Autorizado
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: em breve
- Link do último edital
Defensor Público DF
Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes
Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social
- Concurso: Ministério do Trabalho
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargos: Diversos
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 847
- Remuneração: Até R$ 16 mil
- Situação: Previsto
- Previsão p/publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do último edital
Banco Central do Brasil
- Concurso: Banco Central (Bacen)
- Banca organizadora: a definir
- Cargos: técnico e analista
- Número de vagas: a definir
- Remuneração: de R$ 6.065,36 a R$ 15.376,70 (Veja a matéria completa)
- Escolaridade: nível médio e superior
- Situação: Previsto
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT)
Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social
- Concurso: Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (Novo Concurso INSS 2017)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargos: Técnico; Analista; Perito Médico Previdênciário
- Escolaridade: Nível médio e superior
- Estados: Nacional
- Número de vagas: 7.351
- Situação: PREVISTO
Concurso ISS São Luís
- Concurso: ISS de São Luis – MA
- Organizador: FCC
- Cargo: Auditor Fiscal
- Escolaridade: nível superior
- Número de vagas: 10
- Remuneração: Até R$ 9 mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
Concurso SED MS
- Concurso: Secretaria de Estado de Educação (Concurso SED MS)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo: Professor
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: A definir
- Remuneração: Até R$ 3 mil
- Situação: ANUNCIADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do úl timo edital
Controladoria Geral do Estado de Alagoas
- Concurso: Controladoria Geral do Estado (Concurso CGE AL)
- Cargo: Assessor de Controle Interno e Assessor Técnico
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 40 + CR
- Remuneração: Até R$ 7mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
MP SP – Analista de Promotoria II
- Concurso: Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo
- Banca organizadora: a definir
- Cargo: Analista de promotoria – Agente de Promotoria II
- Escolaridade: Superior
- Número de vagas: 3
- Remuneração: R$ 9 mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018[19659460]Segurança Pública Amazonas
Secretaria de Estado de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
- Concurso: Secretaria de Estado de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
- Banca organizadora: IBADE
- Cargo: Agente de Segurança Socioeducativo, Assistente Administrativo e Técnico de Saúde Bucal
- Escolaridade: médio e superior
- Número de vagas: CR
- Remuneração no concurso anterior: R$ 2.640,09 para Agente e R$ 5.327 para os demais
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Sejusp MS
- Concurso: Secretária de Estado de Justiça e Segurança Pública (Concurso Sejusp MS),
- Banca organizadora: a definir
- Cargos: Agente de Segurança Socioeducativa, Analista de Medidas Socioeducativas, Psicologia e Serviço Social[19659064]Número de vagas: 228
- Remuneração: Até R$ 4.879,19.
- Escolaridade: Níveis superior
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Publicação do edital: a definir
Concurso Ancine
- Concurso: Agência Nacional de Cinema (Ancine).(Concurso Ancine 2018)
- Banca organizadora: a definir
- Cargos:Regulação da Atividade Cinematográfica e Audiovisual, Analista Administrativo, Técnico Administrativo, e Técnico em Regulação da Atividade Cinematográfica e Audiovisual
- Número de vagas:a definir
- Remuneração: Até R$ 15 mil
- Escolaridade: nível médio e superior
- Situação: Solicitado
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Concurso Agesul MS:
- Concurso: Agência Estadual de Gest o de Empreendimentos do Mato Grosso do Sul
- Banca organizadora: Instituto Selecon
- Cargos: Fiscal de Obras Públicas
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: a definir
- Remuneração: até R$27 mil
Concurso TJ PR
- Concurso: Tribunal de Justiça do Paraná
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo:Juiz
- Escolaridade: Ensino superior
- Número de vagas:A definir
- Remuneração: R$24.818,89
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Concurso MPSP
- Concurso: Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo (Concurso MPSP)
- Organizador:a definir
- Cargo: Auxiliar de Promotoria
- Escolaridade:Nível Superior
- Número de vagas: 35
- Remuneração: inicial de R$ 7.697,23
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Polícia Civil MT
- Concurso: Polícia Judiciária Civil de Mato Grosso (Concurso Polícia Civil MT)
- Banca organizadora: a definir
- Cargo: Investigador; Escrivão
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas:200
- Remuneração: Até R$ 5 mil
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
Concurso PC MG
Concurso Seger 2018
- Concurso: Secretaria de Gestão e Recursos Humanos (Concurso Seger 2018)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargos: Assistente de Gestão e Analista do Executivo
- Escolaridade: Nível médio e superior
- Número de vagas: 125
- Remuneração: Assistente de Gestão R$1.825,82; Analista do Executivo R$4.443,60
- Situação: AUTORIZADO!
Concurso Iases 2018
- Concurso: Instituto de Atendimento Socioeducativo do Espírito Santo (Concurso Iases 2018)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargos: Assistente de Suporte Socioeducativo; Analista de Suporte Socioeducativo; Assistente Social Socioeducativo; Pedagogo Socioeducativo e Psicólogo Socioeducativo.
- Escolaridade: Nível médio e superior
- Número de vagas: 53
- Remuneração: Para o cargo de nível médio R$1.825,82 e para os cargos de nível superior R$4.443,60.
- Situação: AUTORIZADO!
Concurso PCDF
- Concurso: Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (Concurso PC DF)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo: Agente; Escrivão
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 2.100
- Remuneração: Até R$ 8,9 mil
- Situação: PREVISTO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do último edital
Concurso CGU 2019
Concurso Delegado RJ (PC RJ)
Concurso SESIPE DF
Defensoria TO
Concurso PGE PE
- Concurso: Procuradoria Geral do Estado de Pernambuco (PGE PE)
- Organizador: A definir
- Cago: Assistente; Analista
- Escolaridade: Nível médio e superior
- Número de vagas: A definir
- Remuneração: Até R$ 5 mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão para publicação do edital: 2018
Concurso Bombeiro Acre
Concurso Agetop GO
- Concurso: Agência Goiana de Transportes e Obras (Agetop)
- Banca organizadora: Instituto de Desenvolvimento Institucional Brasileiro (IDIB)
- Cargo: Gestor de Engenharia
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 8
- Remuneração: Até R$ 4,1 mil
- Situação: Banca definida!
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do último edital
Concurso DPE RN
Concurso Sefaz Bahia
Concurso Seduc CE
- Concurso: [19659003]Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Ceará (Concurso Seduc CE)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo: Professor
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 2.500
- Remuneração: R$ 3 mil
- Situação: Edital confirmado para dia 20 de julho
- Link do último edital
- Link do edital 2009
Concurso Marinha do Brasil
- Concurso: Marinha do Brasil – Concursos para Tribunal Marítimo e para a Caixa de Construções de Casas para o Pessoal da Marinha
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Escolaridade: Nível médio/técnico e superior
- Remuneração: Até R$8,5 mil
- Número de vagas: 830 vagas
- Situação: SOLICITADO!
- Previsão de edital: 201 9
Concurso MP SP Analista
Concurso SEE SP
Concurso TJ AM
Concurso Delegado SE (PC SE)
- Concurso: Polícia Civil de Sergipe(Concurso PC SE).
- Banca organizadora: Cebraspe
- Cargo: Delegado
- Escolaridade: Nível superior
- Número de vagas: 10 + CR
- Remuneração: R$ 11,5 mil
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do último edital
Concurso Agepen DF
Concurso PC RJ
- Concurso: Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro (Concurso PC RJ)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo: inspetor, médico legista, técnico de necropsia e auxiliar de necropsia
- Escolaridade: Nível fundamental, m dio e superior
- Número de vagas: 80
- Remuneração: Até R$9 mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO!
Concurso ALESP
- Concurso:Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo (concurso Alesp)
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargo: Controlador Geral; Auditor Interno
- Escolaridade: Nível médio, técnico e superior
- Número de vagas: 8
- Remuneração: R$ 17 mil
- Situação: AUTORIZADO
- Previsão p/ publicação do edital: 2018
- Link do último edital
Concurso Ministério Público do Ceará
Concurso SPGG RS
Concurso Ematerce
Concurso UEPA
- Concurso:Universidade do Estado do Pará – UEPA
- Banca organizadora: A definir
- Cargos: Carreira de Técnico Administrativo
- Escolaridade: Nível Superior
- Número de vagas:180
- Remuneração: a definir
- Previsão de edital: 2018
Confira todas as oportunidades abertas na tabela abaixo:
Instituição/Orgão Prazo Vagas Salário Máximo Escolaridade Estado Conselho Federal de Biologia 09/07/2018 00:00 580 3219.89 médio e técnico Distrito Federal Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais 30/07/2018 00:00 1560 3278.74 superior Mina Gerais Câmara Municipal de São Sebastião do Paraíso (MG) 27/07/2018 00:00 119 5518 médio e superior Minas Gerais Polícia Militar do Espírito Santo 26/07/2018 00:00 417 5823.07 médio e superior Espírito Santo Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal 25/07/2018 00:00 12 15879.4 médio e superior Distrito Federal Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) 25/07/2018 00:00 9 3205 superior Pernambuco Fundação Hospitalar do Municípi o de Varginha (MG) 25/07/2018 00:00 23 6357.69 médio e superior Minas Gerais Ministério Público da Paraíba 25/07/2018 00:00 10 24818.9 superior Paraíba Polícia Militar de Alagoas 24/07/2018 00:00 500 3744.47 superior Alagoas Prefeitura de Pinhalzinho (SP) 23/07/2018 00:00 17 3177.67 fundamental, médio e superior São Paulo Prefeitura de Prados (MG) 22/07/2018 00:00 70 7583.08 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão de Minas Gerais 20/07/2018 00:00 125 5100 superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Santa Rita do Novo Destino (GO) 20/07/2018 00:00 49 8000 fundamental, médio e superi o r Goiás Prefeitura de Registro (SP) 19/07/2018 00:00 36 8092.27 fundamental, médio e superior São Paulo Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) 19/07/2018 00:00 10 9585.67 superior Rio Grande do Sul Câmara do Carmo do Cajuru (MG) 19/07/2018 00:00 2 2890.86 superior Minas Gerais Companhia Pontagrossense de serviços 17/07/2018 00:00 2 3636.39 médio e superior Paraná Prefeitura de Rio Claro (SP) 17/07/2018 00:00 135 4941.86 fundamental, médio e superior São Paulo Instituto Rio Branco 16/07/2018 00:00 26 18059.83 superior Distrito Federal Polícia Militar de Pernambuco 16/07/2018 00:00 104 8576.58 méd io e superior Pernambuco Prefeitura de Cuiabá (MT) 16/07/2018 00:00 4265 3206.03 médio e superior Mato Grosso Instituto Nacional de Ciências da Saúde (INCS) 15/08/2018 00:00 105 2500 médio e superior Paraná Prefeitura de Farroupilha (RS) 15/07/2018 00:00 51 6545.15 fundamental, médio e superior Rio Grande do Sul Prefeitura de São Francisco de Paula (RS) 12/07/2018 00:00 20 5749.9 fundamental, médio e superior Rio Grande do Sul Prefeitura de Arcos (MG) 11/07/2018 00:00 4 3134.49 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Polícia Civil de Goiás 11/07/2018 00:00 100 19242.52 superior Goiás Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural de Minas Gerais (Emater-MG) 10/08/2018 00:00 97 5671.67 médio e superior Minas Gerais Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo 10/07/2018 00:00 1495 1142.64 médio São Paulo Prefeitura de Campos Gerais (MG) 10/07/2018 00:00 154 1261.82 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Santana de Parnaíba (SP) 10/07/2018 00:00 445 12052.78 técnico e superior São Paulo Prefeitura de Lagoa Santa (GO) 09/07/2018 00:00 2 1132.33 médio e supeior Goiás Prefeitura de Mariana (MG) 09/07/2018 00:00 312 6828.68 médio e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Pamitos (SC) 09/07/2018 00:00 16 17647.4 fundamental, médio e sup er ior Santa Catarina Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan) 09/07/2018 00:00 411 5035.29 médio e superior Brasil Prefeitura de Santa Bárbara (MG) 03/08/2018 00:00 65 15430.5 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Câmara Municipal de Serra Talhada (PE) 03/08/2018 00:00 1075 4206.33 fundamental, médio e superior Pernambuco Exército Brasileiro 03/08/2018 00:00 28 11130.75 superior Bahia e Rio de Janeiro Marinha do Brasil 03/08/2018 00:00 30 2900 médio e técnico Vários estados Prefeitura de Serra Talhada (PE) 03/08/2018 00:00 200 4100 fundamental, médio e superior Pernambuco Tribunal de Contas de MInas Gerais[19659730]06/08/2018 00:00 14 7165.87 superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de São João Del Rei (MG) 30/07/2018 00:00 108 3168.92 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Câmara Municipal de Araguari (MG) 23/07/2018 00:00 167 3760.52 médio, técnico e superior Minas Gerais Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal (CLDF) – 86 15879.4 médio e superior Distrito Federal Fundação Hospitalar do Município de Varginha (FHOMUV) – 16 6357.69 médio e superior Minas Gerais Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda de Goiás 26/07/2018 00:00 28 20940.62 superior Goiás Prefeitura de Matozinhos (MG) 23/07/2018 00:00 361 1224.84 médio Minas Gerais[19660005]Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora (MG) 16/07/2018 00:00 11 11293.86 fundamental, médio e supetrior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Carrancas (MG) 16/07/2018 00:00 49 9338.13 alfabetizado, fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Câmara Municipal de Matozinhos (MG) 16/07/2018 00:00 93 4772.59 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Itatiaiuçu (MG) 09/07/2018 00:00 36 13802 médio, técnico e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Nova Guarita (MT) 09/07/2018 00:00 39 10490 fundamental, médio e superior Mato Grosso Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná (SEED – PR) – 100 – superior Paraná Prefeitura de Ipira (SC) 09/07/2018 00:00[19659731]3 4818.76 superior Santa Catarina Secretaria de Justiça do Estado do Espírito Santo (SEJUS – ES) – 30 2776.04 médio Espírito Santo Câmara Municipal de Serra dos Aimorés (MG) 06/08/2018 00:00 18 3630.32 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Malacacheta (MG) 06/08/2018 00:00 16 12088.72 fundamental, médio e superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Salgadinho (PB) 09/07/2018 00:00 35 8000 fundamental, médio e superior Paraíba Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais 06/08/2018 00:00 35 7165.87 superior Minas Gerais Prefeitura de Jataí (GO) 16/07/2018 00:00 44 3835.91 médio e superior Goiás [ad_2]
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