Operation Mega PJ against biker groups – Observer


The judicial police made about 40 detainees in a mega-operation against biker groups that were already this year involved in scenes of violence. According to the Saturday Magazine online edition, the inspectors focused on the Hells Angels and Red & Gold groups.

At the base of the operation, this Wednesday is information that violence between the elements of these two groups has arrived. Approximately 200 PJ detectives have detained more than 40 detainees, but right-wing leader Mário Machado will not be among the detainees. "Mário Machado has not been detained or implicated in this operation," said lawyer José Manuel de Castro, to the Observer.

Machado was at the center of a violent scene that led to the hospitalization of several people. . A lunch of bikers and elements related to the far right movements in the Prior Velho has ended in assaults, after a rival group of Mário Machado invaded the town. space. That day, Mário Machado left his brother's restaurant with a jacket bearing the symbol of Red & Gold, a biker group with links to Europeans "Los Bandidos", historical rivals of the Hell's Angels.

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