PCP presents an invoice for the Certification Center of Arraiolos Rug


"If the various governments, including the current PS government, have not fulfilled their obligation to approve the statutes, then the Assembly of the Republic can not remain indifferent", said communist leader João.

In 2002, the parliament approved the law that created the Center for the Promotion and Promotion of the carpet of Arraiolos, in the district of Évora, with certification powers, but because of the lack of approval of the bylaws, it never entered "The purpose of this bill is above all to overcome the impasse in which we have been for 16 years," he said. , hoping that the AR can approve the statutes so that "the center can quickly withdraw from the role."

in reality.

The member elected by Évora also recalled that a draft PCP resolution was approved in the current legislature, recommending that the Government adopt measures for the establishment and operation of the Center for Promotion [19659002] "The truth is that the government, from 2016 and up to now, has done nothing and has not given a single piece of information to the AR, despite of 39; be interviewed by the PCP, "said João Oliveira, noting that the problems are not small."

The Communist MP warned of the situation "approach" to the industry, giving as an example the fact that, "recently, a company from Vila Nova de Gaia intends to register the industrial patent for the carpets of Arraiolos."

"The center must be created to certify carpets and value the activity in Arraiolos and where it develops according to certain norms and criteria, in order to protect economic activity and solve social and labor problems, "he insisted. The president of the communist bank felt that the center could" contribute to the supposed goal "of applying the carpet of Arraiolos to cultural heritage. (19659002) Arraiolos carpet, embroidered with wool on canvas, using the oblique cross-stitch technique, called "Arraiolos Embroidery", know references have been made since the late sixteenth century (1598) , originating from the Alentejo village of the same name, populated at the beginning of the same century by Moors and Jews, expelled from the dairies of Lisbon by D. Manuel I.

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