Pedro Machado without opposition to the presidency of Tourism Tourism – Economy


Pedro Machado, who was also supported by 36 of the 50 associations that make up the electoral college, presents as priorities for a new five-year term "consolidating the growth process" of tourism in the Center, which is already superior national average, and the qualification of agents, services and products of the sector in the region.

The elections for the leadership of the regional entity were originally scheduled for May 23, but were eventually postponed until Friday due to "different legal interpretations of the number of delays in the electoral regulation of the tourism industry. center of Portugal ".

The postponement comes after a protest by the former civil governor of Coimbra, Victor Baptista, who raised the issue of election deadlines in an opinion piece published in a newspaper. Baptista even admitted to being a candidate for a position, but finally did not advance, leaving the field open to Pedro Machado's second term.

"The consolidation of the growth process of the central region will be one of our priorities", said Mr. Machado, adding that the regional entity will continue to promote the brand Turismo Centro in Portugal and to l & # 39; abroad.

Machado recalls that, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the Center of Portugal was the region that increased the most in 2017, both in the domestic market and in l & # 39; abroad. For these numbers have contributed the bet in new markets issuing visitors, such as the United States of America, Canada, Israel, South Korea or China.

"We will strengthen our commitment to religious tourism, not only with Fatima, but also with Jewish religious tourism, so important for the whole Serra da Estrela, with important foci in Belmonte, or Carregal de Sal, where is located the residence of Aristides Sousa Mendes [diplomata e político português que salvou milhares de pessoas de origem judaica durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial]"says Machado, recalling the presence of Jewish homes in several cities in the region, including Tomar.

The President of the Regional Entity says that in 2017, the Sanctuary of Fatima has received many South Korean tourists, responsible for 50,000 overnight stays, trend that he intends to reinforce in D & # 39; 39, other regions. Machado believes that it will be possible to reach the end of 2018 "with a balance of 50-50 between foreign and domestic visitors.

To this end, other niche markets, such as "sliding sports", will focus on surfing, attracting thousands of domestic and foreign visitors to areas such as Nazaré, Peniche, Figueira da Foz and Aveiro. .

Machado also promises a bet in the qualification of all operators in the sector, in order to strengthen the diversity of the tourist offer and thus fight against seasonality. "We want to put into practice our motto: a country in the country."

Five years after being elected for the first time as director of the Regional Tourism Center, Pedro Machado won the support of 97 of the 100 municipalities that make up the region.

The single candidacy is always subscribed by the main national and regional organizations of the tourism sector, such as AHRESP – Association of Hospitality, Restoration and the like of Portugal, and associations of shale villages and historic villages from Portugal.

In formal terms, Pedro Machado recusidatura rests on three pillars: territorial representation; strengthen the presence of private institutions in social organizations; the renewal of governing bodies, including the entry of more women into positions of responsibility.

It is ensured the presence of the majority of one hundred municipalities in future governing bodies. The president of the General Assembly will continue to be chaired by the mayor of Castelo Branco, Luís Correia, who will be accompanied by Manuel Machado, president of the House of Coimbra and leader of the National Association of Municipalities Portuguese.

The most important changes planned by Pedro Machado take place at the Marketing Council, which will have seven representatives of private investors and associations, with the AHRESP or the historic and shale villages.

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