Pedrógao Grande. Ascendi officials among the three new defendants


Of the three new defendants in the investigation who investigate the fires of June 2017 in Pedrógão Grande, who made 66 dead, are elements of Ascendi Pinhal Interior, confirmed this afternoon the direction of the society. "In the last days, other defendants of this Society have been formed in connection with the investigation of the Pedrogão Grande fire complex and neighboring counties, between 17 and 24 June 2017", said an Ascendi press release. in response to DN. However, the company does not specify whether the three new defendants (now 16 in total) are only public servants or whether any one of them is a member of the board of directors . Ascendi Pinhal Interior also told the DN that "the Administration and its collaborators have collaborated with the judicial authorities, being sure that they have strictly complied with the entire legal framework and that they have complied with the law. no responsibility is attributable to them. "

To date, the presidents of Figueiró dos Vinhos, Jorge Abreu, and the former mayor of Castanheira de Pera, Fernando Lopes, have been defeated in the autarchies of the country. October by the current president, as well as the former deputy mayor of Pedrógão Grande, José Graça, responsible for fuel management. Augusto Arnaut, fire chief of Pedrógão Grande, and Mario Cerol, second district commander of Leiria, are also indicted in this case. The others already known are Margarida Gonçalves, Civil Protection of Pedrógão, António Castanheira, also of the Town Hall of Pedrógão Grande, and Sérgio Gomes, the district head of Leiria.

In June, the district prosecutor's office in Leiria reported that there were 12 assistants in the investigation, which were to be finalized within two months. It should be noted that the District Attorney's Office of Leiria announced the accused in groups of three . "As part of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fires in Pedrógão Grande, three other defendants were set up, so that the case has 16 defendants, all natural persons," said the Attorney General's Office,

The same note reiterates that in this investigation, headed by the Prosecutor General of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of Leiria, "there are facts that are capable of integrating crimes of homicide by negligence and negligence. "

The fires that broke out in the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, in the north of Leiria district, in June 2017, left 66 dead : the official accounting recorded 64 deadly victims, but one woman died after having been overthrown by the police. fleeing the flames and another who had been hospitalized since then in Coimbra, and who is also dead.

"As part of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fires at Pedrógão Grande, three new defendants were set up, and the case now has 16 defendants, all natural persons" [19659002ThesamenotereaffirmsthatinthisinvestigationconductedbythePublicProsecutor'sDepartmentofInvestigationandCriminalEnforcementofLeiria"therearefactsthatareabletoincorporatethecrimesof"negligenthomicideandnegligentbodilyinjury"

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