Physician's body found confined in condominiums in the Grand Recife | Pernambuco


The body of a 54-year-old doctor and attorney was found inside a well in a condominium in Aldeia, Camaragibe, Grand Recife. According to the 20th Military Police Battalion, the dead body of Denirson Paes da Silva was stationed around 2 pm on Wednesday (4), at the Residencial Torquato Castro, where he lived with his family, at 13 km from Estrada de Village La Femme and one of his sons are suspected of the crime, according to the civilian police.

The military police were deployed following complaints from officials of the condominium, who found the body in quarters and threw it into a well in the residential area. The civilian police were on site and the Institute of Forensic Science held, on the night of Wednesday (4), an expertise with luminol to collect DNA and other materials that could subsidize investigations.

According to the civilian police, it was necessary the help of the fire department for the removal of the cardiologist's body. The well where the corpse was found is about 25 meters deep.

  Denirson Paes da Silva was a cardiologist and was 54 years old (Photo: Reproduction / Facebook) <img class = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Denirson Paes da Silva was a cardiologist and was 54 years old (Photo Denirson Paes da Silva was a cardiologist and was 54 years old (Photo: Reproduction / Facebook) "data-src ="×514/984×0 Denirson Paes da Silva was Cardiologist and had worked as a cardiologist in the past 54 years (Photo: Reproduction / Facebook)

Also according to Políci Civil, the wife of the victim, who is a pharmacist, had recorded a report on June 20 on the disappearance the doctor, claiming that her husband had traveled abroad but had not returned home.

Camaragibe delegate, Carmem Lúcia, is responsible for the investigations, and according to the civilian police, she suspected that the woman and one of the 23-year-old couple had been involved in the disappearance of the doctor and had applied for a search warrant and seizure in the family's home.

The two men were charged with concealment of the corpse and taken to the municipal police station, where they testified and denied involvement in the crime. The mother and son spend the night there, and on Thursday morning (5) they go to the Recife Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) and then to a custody hearing.

The civilian police informed that she will rule in the afternoon of Thursday (5), at a press conference in Recife on the case.

The victim worked at the Pernambuco Cardiac Emergency Room (Procape), which published a note on the doctor Wednesday night (4).

"Dr. Denirson was a responsible professional, educated, affectionate towards the sick and with colleagues, a simple man who fulfilled his duties, I have never witnessed complaints related to him. / 18 ", brings the text signed by the executive director of Procape, Ricardo Lima.

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