PJ dismantles counterfeit network of credit and debit cards in Porto


The Judicial Police, through the Northern Administrative Council, after an investigation launched in May, identified and arrested on Friday, in flagrante delicto, six men of foreign nationality, for the alleged perpetration of crimes of Criminal association, counterfeit securities assimilated to currency, computer fraud and computer fraud in several cities of the agglomeration of Porto

Prisoners are suspected of manufacturing and installing their own ATMs, at least since May, to read the magnetic stripe of the user's credit / debit cards, recording the card codes by video recording. According to the PJ, the devices used were of high quality and were not perceptible by ATM users

In one statement, the PJ reports that the data were magnetic clones on "white" cards, used by following by the suspects. in the acquisition of goods and services. Although the total value of the fraud is not yet quantified, justice estimates that it will reach tens of thousands of euros, hurting both cardholders and banks.

Due diligence carried out by the judicial police resulted in the seizure of several materials that can be used in the manufacture of all the necessary parts for such devices. More than a hundred "white" cards were also seized, some still blank, others already properly cloned, as well as various computer equipment needed for reading and cloning and tens of thousands of 39; euros.

Prisoners, aged between 25 and 43, must be present at the competent judicial authority for the first interrogation and the enforcement of coercive measures taken as appropriate.

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