Portugal among the most prosperous European countries in the fight against HIV – Society


Portugal is part of the small group of European countries with more people diagnosed with HIV and more patients in treatment who have stopped transmitting the infection, said an official of the World Health Organization (WHO)

. Lousa, the coordinator of the WHO Communicable Diseases Program, Masoud Dara, praised the progress made in recent years in the fight against AIDS.

"Portugal has followed an exemplary path in the prevention, detection, treatment and care of HIV patients," said Masoud Dara, pointing out that the country has achieved almost all the goals set in the UN program on HIV / AIDS

HIV patients will be able to make community-based pharmaceutical treatments throughout the country
The pilot project that allows HIV patients to treat at the nearest pharmacy can be expanded to Whole country,

In an interview with the Lusa agency, State Secretary for Health, Fernando Araújo, said that the pilot project of distribution of hospital drugs in pharmacies Community, which began last year, "is going well. "

This measure, which is still tested only in Lisbon, allowed users to choose whether they want to continue receiving treatment at the hospital or in a nearby pharmacy. from home or at work

open this project to the whole country and, gradually and gradually, other hospital pharmacies will be able to work with community pharmacies. "

But it will be necessary to 39; first go ahead with the training of more pharmacists to ensure the extension of the project "

According to the Secretary of State," people are confident ", there was a increase of adherents to the project and "the treatments are"

Fernando Araújo said that the choice of a community pharmacy "is as effective as to make [le traitement] in the hospital" and, therefore, the Ministry of Health is committed "to continue this path and extend the" We want to start in the big hospitals, in the north and in the center, and then spread to the rest of the country, "he revealed, adding that during the last quarter it will be extended to other parts of the country. country

to be evaluated in September

HIV tests at home
The Portuguese will be able to do home testing of the Secretary of State for Health, who hopes that this option will be a reality later this year.

In an interview with the Lusa agency, on the occasion of the dilution of the most recent data on this disease, the secretary of state health, Fernando Araujo, revealed that the government will begin to work to change the existing legislation, which prevents the completion of HIV testing at home

"Let's change the law so that by the end of the

If the tests are positive, patients can make an appointment in a hospital "to repeat the test and be reoriented"

With this initiative, the Ministry of Health hopes to reduce the cases of late detection of people infected by AIDS.

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