Portugal is a country with an old heart – SPC – Jornal diariOnline – Região Sul


On the occasion of the Grandparents' Day, celebrated on July 26, the Portuguese Society of Cardiology (SPC) sends a message of appreciation to the Portuguese elderly and the desire that in a country like Portugal, these people have access to the health care they need.

Although they are not of specific age, cardiovascular diseases make the elderly the main victims. Heart failure is an example of this set of pathologies and is now a priority for the Portuguese Society of Cardiology.

On the occasion of Grandparents Day, celebrated on July 26, the Portuguese Society of Cardiology leaves a message of appreciation to the elderly in Portugal and the desire that in a country like the In Portugal, these people have access to the health care they need.

Heart failure is due to its high prevalence and marked co-morbidities. currently considered a threat to public health. The risk factors commonly associated with this syndrome are the history of coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking, obesity, and .. age

In a country like Portugal, this disease can reach levels

"Fighting advanced cardiovascular disease, ie heart failure is a national priority . " To do this, he says, "it is necessary to work with the tutelage and civil society through prevention and literacy in the field of cardiovascular health," says the president of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology, the Professor João Morais

In fact, according to the recent study Heart failure in figures: estimates for the 21st century in Portugal, it is expected, based on data for the year 2011 , the prevalence of HF in our country is increasing by about 30% by 2035 and by 33% by 2060. Thus, it is estimated that we will have about 480,000 people affected in 2035, reaching this level. number reaching 495,000 patients in 2060.

According to the report of the National Institute of Statistics 2017, the aging of the population in our country will only slow down in four decades, when we will be 7.5 million to inhabit the national territory. The youth group will be very affected, being the current one and a half million, it will represent only 0.9 million. The opposite situation occurs in the 65 and over group, from 2.1 million today to 2.8 million. This means that in the year 2080 there will be 317 seniors per 100 young people!

As Portugal ages more and more and the life expectancy of people increases, it is important to point out that Insufficiency (19659011) Comments

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