Portuguese and math scores fell and there were more tracks


The means of the Portuguese national exams and mathematics have declined in the first phase of national examinations of secondary education. According to data provided by the Ministry of Education, the Portuguese average rose from 11.1 last year to 11 this year (on a scale of 0 to 20), but in Mathematics A, the decline was more pronounced: from 11 to 5 to 10.9. In this discipline, the change meant an increase in the advance.

The percentage of students' internal failures in mathematics increased by a percentage point from 13% to 14%. It is recalled that the national mathematics examination was criticized by the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM), which felt that this threatened the equal access to higher education. For the experts, two tests should have been done: one for the students of the current program and another one for the reporters based on the previous one.

As for physics and chemistry, the national average went from 9.9 to 10.6%, a significant increase that pushed the reprocessing rate from 14% to 10%

. Geology, the third highest test by high school students, rose 10.3 points last year to 10.9 this year.

History of Culture and the Arts and History A are the disciplines that have the worst average: the first is 9.6 and the second is 9.5.

Downloaded in 2017

Last year, there was an increase in the means of national exams in Portuguese and mathematics. In the mother tongue, the average rose from 10.8 values ​​in 2016 to 11.1 in 2017, while in mathematics, it went from 11.2 to 11.5

A rise that s & # 39; 39 is also reflected in the tracks. In Portuguese, the percentage rose from 7% to 6%, while mathematics went from 15% to 13%.

In general, the trend has been on the rise last year, with the exception of physics and chemistry. the average went from 11.1 to 9.9. As for the fourth-best performing biology and geology test, the average also increased slightly (from 10.1 to 10.3), leaving the percentage of

last year , the economy was the discipline that recorded the largest increase, from 11 values ​​to 12.1

In the process of being updated

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