Portuguese Association with Ambulatory Surgery Project in Cape Verde – Observer


The Portuguese Association of Ambulatory Surgery (APCA) is leading an international project of outpatient surgery in other Portuguese – speaking countries and will start with Cape Verde, a more advanced country, said Friday. organization. 19659002] "The APCA runs an international project for the implementation of outpatient surgery in Portuguese-speaking countries.We decided to go ahead with Cape Verde because that is the only way in which we can do this. is the country where the process is most advanced, but we hope soon to realize an outpatient surgery for Mozambique, "said the president of the organization, Carlos Magalhães, quoted in a statement. Outpatient surgery in Cape Verde, the APCA is promoting a fund-raising campaign for the outpatient surgery unit of Baia de Sousa Hospital, on the occasion of the day. S. Vicente island, where the goal is to reach 15 thousand euros. The fundraising takes place on the PPL platform, accessible at https://ppl.com.pt/causas/apca-mindelo.

The campaign started on June 15 and up to the date of publication. at this Friday 691 4% of the total value, given by 15 people. Three weeks and five days before the end of the campaign.

"With this initiative of solidarity, we hope to make a positive contribution to the implementation of outpatient surgery in Cape Verde.The money collected in full allows to complete the work of the outpatient surgery unit. of the Batista de Sousa Hospital and to guarantee them the material necessary for its operation, "explains the doctor.

The Portuguese Association of Outpatient Surgery has already been this year in Cape Verde to give training pre-graduated to different professionals of the Sousa Baptist Hospital, so that the Hospital creates an Ambulatory Surgical Unit.

Outpatient surgery, which includes virtually all surgical areas, is an option scheme surgical procedure in which the patient is operated on and preferably discharged the day of the surgery and not stay more than 24 hours in the hospital.

In a promotional video, APCA soulig do the benefits of outpatient surgery as a close follow-up of hospital teams. and support of family and caregivers, reduction of hospital stay, prevention of infections and others

APCA pointed out that in recent years outpatient surgery has had a positive development in Portugal, and the main success factor and development has been its a multidisciplinary trait, involving different professional groups, as well as the guarantee of security and high quality clues in the treatment of our patients.

The association celebrates its 20th anniversary in September.

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