Portuguese consumers elect Viseu


Portuguese consumers have placed Viseu in the forefront of preferences for being a healthy municipality, with safety and a better quality of life, according to a study conducted by the Consumer Choice company, held in May and served choose the best cities of the country in different categories.

Lisbon and Porto take first place in the preferences of domestic consumers in several areas, but in the Viseu study proves to be the "big surprise", distinguishing themselves in the "Living" category by occupying first place in the best county to be happier, better quality of life, healthier and safer.

The municipality of Viseu was also voted the best to buy a house (in the "Lifestyle" category) and with better cleaning in the public area ("Services"). It was also chosen as the best for the elderly ("Lifestages").

"Viseu [après la capitale et la ville invaincue] is the municipality that stands out the most and this reflects the communication effort of the municipality, the work related to infrastructure, for example, as well as communication with citizens "refers to Mr. José Borralho, CEO of Consumer Choice.

This is the first time that the company, which evaluates the satisfaction of brands for seven years, carries out the study on Portuguese municipalities. More than a thousand people, aged between 18 and 70, were questioned in the ten most populated districts of the country: Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Faro, Leiria, Lisbon, Porto, Santarém, Setubal and Viseu

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