Portuguese on strike from 11 to 16 July


The National Union of Civil Aviation Personnel Flight (SNPVAC) gave notice of the strike of the cabin crew of Portugália Airlines for the period from 11 to 16 July.

The strike will take place between 00:00 on July 11 and 23:59 on day 16 and is decreed for all flights, whose presentation and / or stadium / sector hours occur on the national territory.

The judgment covers services such as "assistance or any task in the field of occupational medicine, in travel situations (…) or any other training on the ground, in travel or in any other activity in which the crew is active, from medical inspections, to the facilities of the company provided that it is specifically ordered by it to carry out an integrated activity in the field of the obligations of the work. "[19659002] Bruno Fialho, director of SNPVAC, said that "

" At the origin of the strike of the cabin crew of Portugália Airlines is mainly a great discrimination against other workers of the group TAP.

According to Bruno Fialho, the company treats the other workers in the TAP group differently by giving them psychologically, physically and psychologically non-penalizing working hours. and at the personal and family level with respect to the crew of Portugália

"The crew and workers of Portugália have very painful schedules that cause extreme fatigue and resulted in increased losses [médicas] ", he said.

With regard to minimum services, according to the notice, the union "provides social needs that can not be met in the period set for the stop"

"We expect from the 39, company that it reconsiders all the requirements of the crew "

At the time of the notification, the union must indicate that" every day, a crew must be designated to perform, in case of flight of Emergency and, if necessary, s) or cases of calamities resulting from an earthquake or other incident occurring on the national territory or in the islands of the Azores and Madeira. "

" All flights imposed by critical safety situations on people and goods, including ambulances and emergency flights, emergency movements understood as declared situations in flight, especially for technical reasons , meteorological and other, which, by their nature, render the he flight or its realization absolutely inevitable

"SNPVAC understands that the concept of urgent needs is limited to the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, for reasons of national cohesion and isolation of populations. (…) and there are other operators (TAP / SATA / Easyjet / Ryanair) which provide the link between the mainland and the islands ", states

In the middle of 2007, PortugÃlia Airlines has joined the TAP group, taking on a new business model.

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