Portuguese scientists identify protein that puts chromosomes of father and mother on an equal footing – Observer


Portuguese scientists have identified, in a fruit fly experiment, a protein that promotes compatibility between maternal and paternal chromosomes after fertilization, with a new approach in the diagnosis of infertility

. Tuesday, was conducted by a team of the Biomedicine Research Center of the University of Algarve and the Gulbenkian Institute of Sciences led by Rui Gonçalo Martinho and Paulo Navarro-Costa

The Protein in question, dMLL3 / 4, allows the fertilized egg [célula reprodutora feminina] to ensure not only the correct division of maternal chromosomes but also the decompression of paternal genetic information, "says a joint statement from two institutions

Paulo Navarro-Costa, researcher at the University of Algarve and the Gulbenkian Institute of Sciences point out, in the statement, that the results obtained "could pave the way for new the diagnosis of female infertility, as well as for the improvement of embryonic culture media currently used in medically assisted reproduction. "

The scientist explains that the dMLL3 / 4 protein has the ability to instruct the egg to perform different (…) promote the expression of a set of genes that will be later essential to eliminate the differences between the chromosomes inherited from the mother and the from father. "

It was already known that mother and father transmit their genetic information to their children differently." While the maternal chromosomes contained in the egg are blocked during division, the paternal chromosomes carried by the spermatozoa [célula reprodutora masculina] have not only completed their division but have also been compressed to integrate with the small volume of this cell. "19659002] However, the way in which sperm fertilized by sperm" is able to promote l? equality between the chromosomes [sequências de material genético] of both parents, "which is" essential for the development of the new living being, "scientists have been puzzled by 19659002] The results of the research, which used the fruit fly as a model, were published in the scientific journal EMBO Reports.

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