Póvoa de Varzim approves the end of bullfights in the county


The Municipal Assembly of Póvoa de Varzim approved this Friday, by a majority, a proposal of the local executive council for the prohibition of completion in the field of bullfighting and warfare. other shows that involve animal violence. ] In a more public session than usual, it was a considerable discussion, with several MPs presenting their arguments for and against the measure, although most of the benches voted in favor of the end of bullfights in the municipality

The exception was the deputies of the CDS, who voted against the proposal, as well as three elements of the PSD bench, the majority force of the county council, in a position, nevertheless, insufficient to stop the ratification of the point, with the votes

"What has come to me, directly and indirectly, is that there are more people comfortable with this decision, than with the possibility of bullfighting in Póvoa de Varzim ", said the mayor of Póvoa do Varzim

At the end of the session, the mayor of Póvoa de Varzim, the Social Democrat Aires Pereira, said that" this decision seems to be the most adequate for the time in which we live "

" It was the will of the majority of the political representation in the Municipal Assembly and with which I also agree … What m & Came, directly and indirectly, it is that there are more people comfortable with this decision than with the possibility of bullfighting in Póvoa de

A Following this decision the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim, PróToiro – Portuguese Federation of Bullfighting, announced in a statement that it "goes ahead with all the legal means "against autarky, against the mayor and against all those who have been associated with this vile infringement of the freedom of cultural performances in the county. "

" If the law itself recognizes that bullfighting is culture, then the state will ensure the access of its citizens to bullfighting. Any decision taken to limit or prohibit access to a cultural show is unconstitutional, "said Helder Milheiro, president of PróToiro

" It is unacceptable that the government has not yet decided on these attempts to make a show. cultural prohibitions, unworthy of a democratic state, and ignores the illegal attitudes of local governments that violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens "

The statement of association adds that" it is time for the Ministry of Culture to say what it intends to do "It is unacceptable that the government has not yet decided on these attempts at cultural prohibitions, unworthy of a democratic state, and turn a blind eye to the illegal attitudes of the local power that violate rights and freedoms. "

fundamental rights of citizens, "reads the text sent.

Since January 2019, it is forbidden to perform in the municipality of Póvoa do Varzim. This summer two tauromáquicos shows in the city will be carried out

With the intention of being considered legal means to overturn the decision of the municipality, Aires Pereira, president of the municipality of poveira, guaranteed that he will defend the decision taken by the local municipal assembly [19659002] "If there are people who understand that, in law, it gives room for the realization of these shows, we will be there to defend the position of the municipality ", promised the mayor

of Varzim, it is forbidden, from January 2019, the execution of bullfights in this county of the north.

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