Princesses Leonor and Sofia talk about their holidays in the United States without their parents


The Spanish royal family came to the Spanish press on Sunday the 29th, as it is traditional when it begins its holiday in Palma de Mallorca. This year, it was not only Letizia and Philip VI to speak. At the age of 12, the Princess Leonor, heiress of the crown of Spain, answered a few questions from journalists with great ease for someone so new . Asked about her experience with her sister, Sofia, in a US holiday camp, she easily answered, as you can see in the video, that it was a lot of pleasure "and that gave him the opportunity" to practice English . "During the conversation, Leonor also said that she practiced a lot of sports and that " met children from various countries ." .It is to question which sports in question his sister took part in the conversation: "Basketball, football, water skiing … "said Leonor first, and then Sofia said," We learned a game called gaga: we played the ball with one hand and tried to hit the legs of others "

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