Prisons with 45 more nurses between August and September


The General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Penitentiary Services (DGRSP) will have between August and September more than 45 nurses, who join the 91 who are already working in this service, announced today the government.

The nurses we already have on our picture, we go, between August and September of this year, join 45 other nurses attached to the photo. And with that, the Ministry of Justice has been able to fill all the positions of the board of directors of the DGRSP, "said the deputy state secretary for justice at the signing ceremony of the protocols between the DGRSP and 28 National Health Service hospitals.] Helena Ribeiro said the Justice Ministry also wants to increase the number of doctors in the prison services, and the Ministry of Finance is currently hiring 30 doctors

According to the official, the DGRSP currently counts 25 doctors [19659002] According to Helena Ribeiro, a significant effort is made to endow the DGRSP with a stable medical and nursing staff.

Protocols signed today at the Lisbon Prison (EPL) allow doctors – infectious diseases, gastroenterologists and internists – to move to prisons to care for the HIV-infected prison population, hepat

Selo n the DGRSP, this new model will also screen for entry, during and at the end of the period of imprisonment.

The DGRSP considers that these protocols "Shaping a new approach to health care for infectious diseases in prisons."

The fight against HIV and viral infections with hepatitis B and C is a public health problem priority in the whole world.

In Portugal, according to the most recent data, 4.5% of the prison population is infected with HIV, 1.2% have hepatitis B and 10.1% hepatitis C.

] The purpose of these protocols is "extremely relevant and innovative", taking into account that for the first time it will be possible to achieve the goals set by the World Health Organization, that is to say, the treatment of all infected prisoners

In this sense, all inmates of the continent will, to date, have access to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of contagious infectious diseases.

] These protocols arise after the development of the pilot project between the Saint John Hospital and the penitentiary facility in Porto, followed by another between the Santa Maria Hospital and EPL

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