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Gathering consensus in a political environment is not always a utopia. That said the deputies of the Municipal Assembly of Leiria, who on Monday evening, voted in favor of a motion that asks the government "the urgent opening of BA5 to civil traffic".
The motion was developed jointly by the political parties, on the basis of a number of considerations, and established an association in the Central Region composed of local authorities, associations institutions, higher education institutions and tourism. private partnerships with interests in the development of the region.
Among the various considerations, the deputies justify the relevance of the opening of the air base 5 (BA5) in Monte Real to civil aviation with "nearly two and a half million inhabitants , half a million emigrants and the some 74,000 companies with great internal and external dynamism, innovative and technological projects that project the region to the four corners of the world and who can and must benefit from equipment of this importance. In addition, it should be noted that in the central region, "there has always been a very strong dynamism in all aspects" (social, cultural, religious, academic and activity, "fully justifying the structuring investments for the region."

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