Professor of the Polytechnic School of Leiria integrates the coordination of UNESCO's program


Appointed by the Portuguese Committee of the Man and Biosphere Program of UNESCO as a national expert, Sérgio Leandro becomes a member of its International Coordinating Council, composed of experts from around the world, who in the next two years develop guidelines for UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in a work divided into four priority areas: zoning, governance, policy, management and business plans, monitoring and data management.

The MaB Man and Biosphere Science Program aims to promote the balance between human societies and ecosystems, the conservation of biodiversity, the promotion of sustainable economic development and the improvement of the quality of life of people. populations.

In addition to the researcher Sérgio Leandro, currently deputy director of the School of Tourism and Technology, the panel of experts from UNESCO and two Portuguese – António Domingos Abreu and Eduardo Carqueijeiro – 47 specialists from around the world

The National Network of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves comprises 11 mainland territories (Paul do Boquilobo, Berlengas, Gerês-Xures, Tranferronteiriça Meseta Ibérica, Transfronteiriça Tejo and Castro Verde) and in the autonomous regions of the Azores (Ilha do Corvo, Ilha Graciosa, the island of Flores and Fajãs de São Jorge) and Madeira (Santana).

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