Proof of the 9th dictation to mathematics – Society


The bad and mediocre were grades that dominated Grade 9 mathematics, where 49,173 students failed to achieve a positive grade. In other words, 52% of the 94,524 who were the subject of an evaluation scored less than 50%. There were 2346 students with a score of zero, and scores between 6% and 10% were the most common, with a total of 7169 tests.

There are a large number of students for whom Mathematics is a puzzle. The average ranking was also negative, with an average of 47 points (from 0 to 100). This result reveals the worst knowledge, because in 2017 the average was 53.

"Accessible and at the level of previous years" is the assessment made by the President of the Portuguese Mathematical Society, Jorge Buescu, of the test 9th grade mathematics, in which, despite the facilities, most students did. "This is not proof that there is the problem, there is a structural problem," he said, noting that the results "are in line with what's going on." has passed the last six years, the final average going from 47% to 53%. "

More encouraging are the results in Portuguese, proof that 87% of the 93,940 evaluated were able to obtain a score equal to or greater than 50%. Nearly one-third of the students even obtained a score of more than 75%, for a total of 29,531.

In Camões, students demonstrated greater knowledge than those exhibited by their colleagues. last year. The average score reached this year was 66 points, and in 2017 58 points. Despite this, 12,372 students could not reach 50%.

The year of school begins with a stop
There are 396 students who do not get a grade of 25% In September, the first day of classes "will be marked by struggles and plenary sessions, "said Mário Nogueira, secretary general of the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), adding that" teachers will hit the first week of October ". "

" We must return in September with all the strength we have used up here Let's start the first day of classes and we will do everything so that there is no law course union, no strike, no more efforts but with plenaries and meetings all over the country, with the distribution of a text to the people, "said Mário Nogueira, in front of dozens of protesters in São Pedro do Sul.

A fight that will continue, warned the unionist, in the week of October 5, World Teachers' Day, "with a week-long strike Monday to Thursday, because Friday is a holiday," he said Mário Nogueira added that the "model of the strike has not yet been defined"

Mau leads the mathematics
26,980 students – the majority – with grades ranging from 0 to 25%, the mediocre was 22 193 students, and already enough (51% to 75%) was awarded to 25,858 students, and the property to 19,493.

Sufficient to Portuguese
Portuguese most students recorded a sufficient number, a total of 52,037. The evaluation gave some good results (scores between 76% and 100%) for 29,531 students.

Involved 4171 teachers
In the process of classification of final examinations of the third cycle were involved 4171 teachers.

Alexandra Leitão, Secretary of State and Education, Alexandra Leitão, expected yesterday, in an hour and a half, a trip to São Pedro do Sul. South, where a teachers' demonstration was marked.

Union speaks of "political cowardice"
Fenprof leader Mário Nogueira criticized the anticipation of Alexandra Leitão's visit. "It is unfortunate that we have leaders who, as we see today, have a political cowardice in their genes," he said.

Investment of 1.1 million euros
Presence of Alexandra Leitão in São Pedro do Sul for the purpose of signing a protocol with Mayor Vítor Fonseca, which aims an intervention of 1.1 million euros in local high school.n

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