PS Baixo Alentejo welcomes the commitments made during the Parliamentary Days [Correio Alentejo]


07h00 – Thursday 05/07/2018

The President of the Bas-Alentejo Federation of the PS (and MP) gives a positive assessment of the holding Party Parliamentary Days in the region, highlighting the commitments made during the two days of the initiative.
According to Pedro do Carmo, "there were two days during which the members of the PS crossed the Lower Alentejo, from Odemira to Barrancos, in close contacts that did not deceive the territories nor the current themes, which motivate all the Alentejanos. "
In this sense, the leader of the PS in the region hailed "the commitment to prepare the project of electrification of the railroad Beja-Casa Branca, which was not designed to be integrated in Portugal 2020, and will have to be integrated into the national investment program, as evidenced by the chairman of the PS parliamentary group, Carlos César. "
"We also emphasize the commitment to provide a budget translation for the improvement of Inland due to the country's financial resources and obligations resulting from European participation, which supports a large part of the investments in course to extend the irrigation perimeter of Alqueva and generate new opportunities for the rural world ", adds Pedro do Carmo, considering that, for its part," he kept the line of coherence to say to the Closing of the conference in Moura, what he always said to the Assembly of the Republic and the National Congress of the PS: praise for investment in Alqueva and the defense of greater access and best in the area. "
The president of the Socialist Federation also says that, regarding the section of the A26 already concluded, "the announcement of the opening date during the Parliamentary Days has never been planned". "Even because it's a matter of state and not party, although it's certain that, like Alqueva, it's a job with the PS mark." ",
Pedro do Carmo finishes by reaffirming the commitment of the PS "sustained, sensible and rigorous defense of Baixo Alentejo and Bas-Alentejo, in the context of the reality of the country and not the executives who have never existed or have never been realized when they had this opportunity "
"We reaffirm the conviction that after the visits to a large part of the territory of Baixo Alentejo and the presence of the Prime Minister in Moura, we will be even more involved in the challenge of defending the best for our land."

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