PSD and BE want government explanations on minors retained by SEF – Pas


The news provoked the repudiation of the PSD and the Bloc of the Left. Both parties are demanding government responses on this case, arguing that it is necessary to stop immediately with this practice which is contrary to the provisions of international standards on children's rights, defined by the # 39; UN.

The Ministry of Internal Administration summoned the Ombudsman and the Portuguese Refugee Council to a meeting.

In the memo, the SEF states that what has changed since 2016 was the "paradigm,"

"In recent years, we have witnessed an influx of adults accompanied by minors who are asking for help. asylum in Portugal, without presenting identity documents and / or documents "

" Normally, the child is also undocumented or presents falsified documents ", reads in the same note [19659003] .Estrajeiros e Fronteiras states that in these cases "the due diligence is carried out to verify the identity of children and adults have time to submit documentation, which, if not, can as well as the appointment of a legal representative. "

Unaccompanied minors under the age of 16 are returned to the Center after the application for asylum has been made.The Portuguese Refugee Council, for its part, reveals that in both cases In recent years the waiting period for these children in the Temporary Accommodation Center (CIT) has gone from a few days to a few weeks.

In the case of unaccompanied minors who report being over 16 years old , "may remain at the IDU for some time to verify their identity / age and obtain from the family and juvenile court an indication of the appropriate reception center."

"In this case, the stay in the CIT does not exceed seven days, "said the SEF

Público, who visited the CIT of Lisbon Airport, found a three-year-old who was a month and a half ago, to sleep on a mattress next to the mother's bed, in a room that can accommodate 16 persons

In this particular case, the SEF states that "two adults traveled with a child,
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by Portugal, the detention of children is a minor because of the legal status of the parents' child is a violation of their rights.

"The application for asylum was not allowed because of a lack of legal basis, and they filed a judicial appeal, which has an automatic suspensive effect and is therefore kept in the CIT. "

The SEF has declared this month the contract for the construction of new facilities of the Temporary Reception Center (CATA) of the SEF in Almoçageme, Sintra, which will accommodate up to 50 people, with two separate wings depending on the genre, and a service for families. 19659004] There is currently a Temporary Installation Center (CIT) in Porto, the Santo António Housing Unit (UHSA) and three CIT spaces (EECIT), located in Lisbon, Porto and Faro.

EECIT of Lisboa has a capacity of 58 people, to whom a hygiene kit is distributed, five meals a day "respecting the dietary rules imposed by the philosophical or religious convictions of the citizen" and a space with material "

" Passengers have access to the play area, from their accommodation area, in the opening hours. "

Last year, 64 per cent of the passengers were rejected in Portugal, out of the 1,750 candidates, only 119 received the status and 136 subsidiary protection. UNHCR appeals to the Ombudsman
] The United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) has already requested the intervention of Justice, Maria Lúcia Amaral, responsible since 2013 for periodic monitoring of the inspection and monitoring of sites [19659003] The supplier was concerned that CWI is "the real man in contemporary earth", "hypervolatile" places, where "people have no one."

] The provider also stated that he did not have sufficient means to carry out the control visits, which should be three per month, and "criticizes the fact that the 2013 resolution assigning these functions was not accompanied by No concrete measure of logistical support

annual report of the National Protection Mechanism (MNP), submitted in June to the Assembly of the Republic, denounces that the facilities do not have any conditions for families. The PSD asks explanations to the government
The PSD asked today explanations to the government concerning the stay at Lisbon airport of minors with parents of asylum seekers, contrary to the provisions of international standards relating to the rights of the child. 19659004] "The most important thing is to stop immediately with this practice.It is fundamental.First, the government will explain why this has happened," said MP Duarte Trademarks on behalf of the PSD

Duarte Marques pointed out that Portugal has "a tradition and a political practice" of hosting refugees and respect for human rights.

"This clearly violates one of the priorities of international and national policies on the treatment of refugees. to do with the exception and the exceptionality of children, "said the deputy rapporteur of the Council of Europe for a policy of respect for human rights and the

"The government must explain why it is the best fabric that falls. Portugal is a respected country in this respect, it is an exemplary country in this respect and now, suddenly, we are facing a situation that is comparable to the countries where relations with refugees are the worst. "
The" inconceivable "practice
The Left Bloc has sentenced asylum seeker children to be detained at the Lisbon airport against the UN recommendations and will question the government on this practice "inconceivable", hoping that the executive will feel compelled "A question from the BE to the government, namely the Ministry of the Interior, will be presented to parliament tomorrow to confront the need to change radically this behavior and its international obligations, the Portuguese State is a State party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and, therefore, takes this circumstance seriously or, if it is not the case, "

For the member of the BE this practice" is absolutely inconceivable in any country, at any time and in any place ", hoping that with" The government feels compelled to give the SEF an indication that this practice will end imm editation. "

" The country has recently mobilized – and well – to criticize the US administration's practice of forced separation of children from their families on the border between the United States and the United States. Mexico. The problem is that it is so important to forcibly separate children from their families in the United States because it is essential to reunite children in their families so that they can be detained. "

According to Jose Manuel Puraza," detention is always objective result, "and we can not accept it because this is contrary to all the rules of decency and even to the legal obligations of the law. Portuguese State. "

"This practice of the SEF now is a different practice than the Portuguese State, which was a practice consistent with our obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child." [19659003] c / Lusa

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