PSD Azores. Duarte Freitas announces the release and the party marks the early elections


PSD / Azores leader Duarte Freitas announced that he had not resumed leadership of the party, saying that he lacked "personal and family conditions" and demanding elections anticipated.

"To be leader of the PSD, I need personal and family conditions and political conditions.First of all, I do not have any personal and family conditions to continue to be president. of the PSD / Azores, "said Duarte Freitas in the opening speech of the regional council of the PSD, meeting Saturday in Ponta Delgada

The leader of the Social Democrats in the Azores also benefited from. warn of the need to "resolve the party's internal problems" in the most correct and expeditious way possible, "by suggesting early elections.

"We are in the middle of this legislature and we will have in November the discussion of the Plan and the Budget for 2019. Therefore, I propose an ambitious timetable to resolve the issue of leadership and that, this time, Do not accumulate the election of the party president with elections for other structures, "he said, suggesting that" the direct meetings take place on September 29 and the Congress of the 26 to October 28 ". The dates proposed by Duarte Freitas, both for the direct elections and the congress, have been accepted by the Regional Council of the PSD / Azores, as announced by the body in a statement.

To this day, Pedro Nascimento Cabral is the only candidate candidate for the presidency of the largest party of opposition to the Azores

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