PSL confirms Bolsonaro and hears from the lawyer quoted to the deputy that followers "seek thought in uniform"


"Our lagoon is too small to catch a deputy, but fish," says Jair Bolsonaro, presidential candidate of the PSL, in a statement issued at the end of the party convention that turned him into a candidate for Planalto.

  Bolsonaro Downplayed the Annoyance Generated in PSL Leaders with Janaína Paschoal's Speech

Bolsonaro Downplayed the Annoyance Generated in PSL Leaders with Janaína Paschoal's Speech

Photo: Reuters / BBC News Brazil

The uncertainty over who will compose the presidential plate with the federal MP took place during the last week: first with Senator Magno's refusal Malta (PR), then with the rejection of General Heleno (PRP)

On Sunday, the PSL summit attempted an honorable exit for the imbroglio: the announcement for the position of the lawyer and the author of the request for indictment of Dilma Rousseff, Janaína Paschoal

The Bolsonarists, however, were different from Janaina herself, who already in the early hours of the morning, on the way to the Event, revealed his discomfort with the situation at BBC News Brazil.

Received by the 2,000 or so activists who flocked to the Rio Convention Hall under the cries of "vice, vice", she hastened to announce the anticlimax.

"Do not applaud, do not scream, I want to talk to you," announced Janaína, cooling the atmosphere of applause, the cries of "myth", the fingers imitating the weapons, l & rsquo; Egoism and the hubbub that dominated the environment. Janaína announced that "it is not possible to make a decision in two days" and affirmed that "we are dialoguing".

  Janaína Paschoal was received by a thousand activists who packed a convention center in Rio under the cries of


Photo: AFP / BBC News Brazil

Janaina was the penultimate speaker. Sitting next to Bolsonaro, she saw the former vice mayor, Senator Magno Malta, saying that "it was very nice" for her to assume the post that he had left .

Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ), son of the presidential candidate, was compared to Colonel Alberto Brilhante Ustra, leader of the DOI-Codi de São Paulo and considered responsible for the torture of political prisoners under the dictatorship, defended by Bolsonaro in his vote for the dismissal of former President Dilma Rousseff.

"My loyalty is to my country"

Janaína's speech was not moody for the climate.

"Our soldier does not stay back from" already won in the first round "of the event.

" A nation is not ruled by one mind. "The followers, many At times, MP Jair Bolsonaro, eager to listen to a completely uniform speech: people are only accepted when they think exactly the same thing.

"My loyalty is not to the MP Jair Bolsonaro, this is my country, "he concluded.

  Janaína's speech has not changed since the climate of

Photo: Reuters / BBC News Brazil [19659005] The discomfort of the leaders of the PSL was obvious The speech was considered "misaligned" Janaina gave a cold audience to Bolsonaro, who made a speech less hard than average

"She is very transparent, but I did not think she was going to be so incisive, that way to be a teacher-teacher. "Militantism e felt, "said Vice Major Olympio.

Bolsonaro minimized the discomfort of rulers with Janaína

Bolsonaro tried to minimize the nuisance:

"We can not take the bride to the altar, discussing the terms of the divorce "" She has her opinion, I can not have a member who will agree 100% with me. "

The candidate himself, however, planned to replace Janaína with Luciano Bivar, the PSL's authorized president, at a press conference. Allies are also planning the possibility of closing the PROS with the PSL and to indicate the defect.

  Bolsonaro was greatly celebrated by the 2,000 activists present at the event

Bolsonaro was very much celebrated by the 2,000 activists present at the event

Photo: AFP / BBC News Brazil

If confirmed, Janaina will be the first woman to compose the Bolsonaro Power Dome.

One of the MP's weaknesses in the elections is the rejection of the woman, whom he has repeatedly addressed in his speech.

"We all come from the belly of a woman, we would not even be born without their love." He promised to govern "for women, who are largely responsible for the education of our children".

Asked about the absence of women in his team, he stated that he would make no effort to integrate them into the team, since the criterion for hiring is the "competence" ".

Privatizations and Ministers with "profile of Sergio Moro"

Regarding the government proposals, he defended the privatization of Petrobras arms and praised the company's performance in the group. the sale of Embraer. "We want more than privatize, perhaps, turn off most state-owned companies," he said.

He claimed that the "Supreme is more used than Congress" and that he would like to change the Constitution to be able to indicate another dozen ministers "with the profile of Sergio Moro".

He argues that it is not possible, for lack of resources, to institute a full – time school, but that education improves with the. approval of the "No Party Party" law which punishes teachers who express political opinions in class.

Regarding identity guidelines, he said that "if research is conducted among Afrodescendants, the majority is against quotas". And criticized what he considers to be "politically correct".

"I no longer have the joy of telling a joke about Ceará, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro."

In public security, he declared that he would maintain the intervention of the army in Rio, but that it would exclude the possibility of punishing soldiers who kill civilians in operations of security.

] Bolsonaro has until August 5 to define who will be at his side in the presidential race "src =" / Bolsonaro has until August 5 to define who will be next to him in the presidential race "width =" 460 “/>

Bolsonaro has until August 5 to define who will be at your side during the presidential race

Photo: AFP / BBC News Brazil

"If we are at war, both sides can fire, I want to give the police the means to not die, roses to wear for him."

Bolsonaro again defended the reduction or even the extinction of the criminal majority, with which Janaina does not agree.

The deputy will have until August 5 to define who will be at his side in the presidential race.

Conscious that this may help the candidate to improve his performance with women and less radical sectors of the right, Janaína was calm in the face of the bad impact of his words in the convention.

He also said that, for her, vice should rather interfere in the management of the president. "If the people felt dissatisfied, there is no problem, it is inherent in democracy," he said.

And he added: "I can not bring the votes and then I do not have the freedom to act."

  BBC News Brazil
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