PSP seizes about 100,000 doses of heroin and cocaine in Lisbon and Faro


In a statement, PSP Metropolitan Command (Cometlis) of the PSP reported that five men and two women, aged between 25 and 49, were arrested "selling narcotics", namely heroin and cocaine , supply the metropolitan area of ​​Lisbon and the southern region of the country. "

According to the PSP, the investigation was conducted" about two years ago "and some of them were detained, the most serious measure of coercion.

seven detainees were present for the first interrogation before the Lisbon court, suspects already have "a criminal record for committing the same crime"

In addition to the 61,290 doses of heroin, the police also seized 37,200 doses of cocaine, 6,240 doses of ecstasy, 1,707.75 grams of an "indeterminate product," over 13,000 euros in cash, precision balances and other equipment allegedly used in the adulteration, preparation and packaging of the narcotic product.

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