Regulator launches a media guide to cover fires – Tv Media


The Media Regulatory Entity (ERC) wants to have a say in how the media covers certain events. This time, the media regulator calls for more consideration in the use of live broadcasts and the collection of images and statements of victims or relatives in the coverage of forest fires and other calamities.

Yesterday, the ERC even published a guide of good practices for dealing with "various complaints and participations in journalistic coverage" of such events – in "information programs and spaces". opinion in the press, radio, television and internet ". "

The document" highlights the role of the media in alerting and informing the public and recalls that journalistic practices in such circumstances should be guided by rigorous and free information respect for ethical and legal standards of journalistic activity and respect for fundamental rights of visas. "The ERC, headed by Judge Sebastião Póvoas, also revealed that he" is preparing a more comprehensive directive on these issues. "Before, you will hear the different actors.

With the publication of the guide of good practice, the regulator had the intention to adopt a preventive attitude, instead of imposing fines to the media for not covering the fires that hit the country in 2017.

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