Relief volunteers speak of 2,900 people killed in Guatemala volcano eruption


A group of volunteers who rescue the victims of the Fogo volcano eruption in Guatemala say that there are at least 2,900 deaths, a number well above the 113 officially admitted by the authorities

quotes reports from survivors and families of the victims of San Miguel los Lotes, one of the destroyed places, to say that there were 360 ​​houses and in each of them lived between 10 and 14 people, counting on children who were not registered. Volunteer Sofia Letona estimates that about 470 children are among the dead.

They say that the authorities do not allow machines to raise tons of ashes and sand that have been buried in houses, that volunteers approach with shovels and sieves,

A say the Guatemalan natural disaster agency, David De León, said the institution respects any opinion, but felt that it is necessary to assess the number of people killed.

Officially, there are 332 missing persons – number revised today by the authorities – since they were the volcanic eruption of June 3, which affected more than 1.7 million people. people, including those killed, injured and displaced.

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