Rescue mission started for boys trapped in a cave in Thailand – Observer


The rescue operation for 12 children began and a 25-year-old adult trapped in the cave in Thailand since June 23, just announced the former governor of Chiang Rai Province who heads the rescue teams, Narongsak Osottanakorn. Eighteen divers, including thirteen foreigners, entered the cave at 10 am local time (less than six hours in mainland Portugal) and should only return to the surface after 21 hours. According to information provided at a press conference, a spokesperson for the members involved in the rescue mission confirmed that the operation might not be completed this Sunday and that it could be dragged for three to four days because the boys would be eliminated

The decision to move on to a rescue mission was taken after an Australian doctor who visited the boys in the cave said that members of the The football team was ready for the operation: "Their health and spirit are ready and everyone is aware of the mission," a spokesman for the mission told reporters. In addition, precipitation volumes over the past few hours were lower than expected, allowing the firefighters to pump enough water to make it possible to get to the third chamber without using diving equipment.

course of near the main entrance of the cave because "most of the route can be done on foot," said the leader of the rescue teams. Asked about how the remaining 1.7 kilometers of the course will be done between the boys' locker room and the entrance, the leader of the rescue teams responded: "Although there are rather difficult parts in which we must wiggle or tickle one can say that we can only cross on foot.

This operation will last at least one day, but it can last until Thursday because the boys, trapped there for a long time , fifteen days in the Thuam Luang Nang cave, will be removed "one by one" by "the biggest international stars," said the local governor: "We can say that all the major international stars involved in this dive operation have selected five of them our best who can work with them, "said Osatanakorn.These five Thais are members of the Navy.

The rescue mission of the Wild Boars football team begins hours after Narongsak Osatanakorn, the governor of the province in northern Thailand, where the winery, for saying that the operation was "in a race against time" because of the weather conditions and the quality of the air inside the cave: "[Os próximos] in three or four days is the most favorable time for the operation and rescue mission using one of the plans d & # 39; action. If we wait too long, we do not know what will be the amount of rain, "Osatanakorn said at a press conference on Saturday.The weather forecast indicated a worsening of rainfall – which did not happen product – but the rate of oxygen inside the chamber was 15%, well below the 21% needed for the brain to stay healthy. "If the level of oxygen goes down below 12 percent, this will affect the brains of people in the interior, "says Osatanakorn.

At this press conference on Saturday, the governor explained the two bailouts of the table: l. one had to wait for the cavern to be completely deprived of water for the rescue team to move forward, and the other was that the water level was low enough for the crew to go out of the way. team can leave with the help of volunteers.The first scenario was set aside: "The perfect situation would be [ter a caverna] without water, zero, but it is impossible because it happens only in December or January. We exclude this assumption, "said Osatanakorn.The second scenario was actually the one adopted by the rescue operation actors and is being implemented:" We will continue our mission as planned and the two main obstacles are time and water, I can confirm that we will wait until we are 100% ready to start the action, today is the summit of our preparation ", said Narongsak Osottanakorn, without ever removing the possibility of stopping the operation "according to the weather and water levels."

In the process of being updated

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