Residual increase in vacant posts in access to higher education but reduction of one hundred places in Lisbon »Educare


Universities and Polytechnic Schools of Lisbon and Porto have reduced by less than ten places per course to comply with the reduction imposed by the government in most courses, but the law school of the 39, University of Lisbon lost more than 100 places. However, even if it is residual, the national competition for access to higher education has again recorded an increase in vacancy for the third year in a row.

Two, three, sometimes a dozen, in even rarer cases a dozen. This is the scenario of reducing vacancies in higher education institutions in Lisbon and Porto forced by the tutelage to cut 5% of the offer for reasons of territorial cohesion and the lack of funding. try to reduce the asymmetries with a replacement of these vacancies in the institutions of the interior

However, the analysis of data published by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Technology. Higher Education (MCTES) shows that the law course of the University of Lisbon increases from 560 places to 445, a reduction of 115 places, which would represent a tenth total suffered by the public and polytechnic universities of Lisbon and Porto, if it did not offer, contrary to what happened in 2017, a post-employment route, with 86 places, that balances this marked reduction.

explanatory report sent by the trusteeship refers to the deletions of jobs in Lisbon and Porto, only in the 316 courses of the institutions of these two cities that had in the first phase of the competition and that "in the practical, they will be affected by the measure ", of which 41 are not affected by the reduction (Medicine and priority areas of training such as Information Technologies and Communication, Electronics and" [19659004] "Of the 275 courses that may have a reduction in vacancies, 85 have no similar offers in private education in the same city, which limits the dreaded" massive "displacement to In the paper, tutelage reinforces the ideas behind the decision to cut jobs in Lisbon and Oporto, much criticized by the affected institutions, but which is still growing.

Among the arguments of the government the percentage of students in the two main centers compared to the country total, which accounts for half of the students of higher education, well above other European cities compared to their national totals: the 54% Of concentrated students in Lisbon and Porto compare, for example, with 23% in Madrid and Catalonia compared to the total in Spain

"Between 2001 and 2017 the number of initial holidays awarded to schools in Spain. public higher education in the district of Lisbon and Porto as part of the national access competition increased by 31% (an increase of 5266 vacancies), while 9% were reduced in the remaining institutions of the country ( 2657 vacancies have been reduced), "reports the MCTES

Lisbon is the institution with the largest number of vacancies, with 383. The University of Lisbon loses 135 places and the University from Porto in c 209.

The polytechnic institutes in Lisbon and Porto each lose more than 200 places and the nursing schools – there are only three in the country, joining Coimbra with those of Lisbon and of Porto – have escaped the reduction of vacancies.

In these metropolitan areas, only the upper nautical school Infante D. Henrique was exempted.

Braga, Castelo Branco and Coimbra are examples of neighborhoods where the offer of openings in public higher education is increasing by the hundreds because of this University of Évora is the institution with the highest growth of vacant posts, of the order of 8%, followed by the Polytechnic of Coimbra

Residual increase of vacancies

] Despite the fact that in a year of job cuts in Lisbon and Porto, national competition for access to higher education has seen an increase in vacancies for the third year in a row

According to Data published by the Government Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), the total number of places to enter universities and public polytechnics in 2018 is 50 852, or 0, 2% more than 50,838 in However, in view of the correction of territorial imbalances in the recent evolution of public higher education in Portugal, the distribution of vacancies includes an increase of 1080 vacancies in universities and universities. 45% in polytechnic schools.

in the institutions located outside Lisbon and Porto and the reduction of 1066 vacancies in these institutions in Lisbon and Porto ", said a statement from the Guardianship on the establishment of cut-off locations in the two most metropolitan areas of the country in areas with greater demographic challenges and to help combat desertification.

For the 50,852 vacancies, there are 708 additional vacancies for local competitions and schemes. Accesses, which represents a total of 51,560 vacancies: the provision of vacant positions in the areas of information technology, communication and electronics, which the government considers as essential for the development of the National Initiative for Digital Skills, there is an overall increase of 4.5% in the total number of places available, 11.6% in domestic institutions, adding that the growth of job offers in the last two years has been set at 7

In terms of training areas, and even if the dominant note is that of stability, with increases or reductions of 1%.

There is still an increase in vacancies in physics classes of 3.3%. job vacancies of the order of a few dozen, there is a major jump in engineering supply, with a growth in the supply of more than 200 jobs in 2018.

Students who want to apply to the public higher education have 1068 courses, among

The first phase of the national competition for access to higher education begins today and ends on August 7 .

Applications, similar to previous years, must be submitted online via the D portal (19659003) The results of the first phase of the applications are announced on 10 September on the DGES portal, followed by the second and the third phases of access.

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